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1.5-8 by Berwin A. Turlach, 5 years ago
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Authors: S original by Berwin A. Turlach <[email protected]> R port by Andreas Weingessel <[email protected]> Fortran contributions from Cleve Moler (dposl/LINPACK and (a modified version of) dpodi/LINPACK)
Documentation: PDF Manual
GPL (>= 2) license
Imported by BB, BLCOP, CEGO, Compositional, DWLS, ExtremalDep, FMAdist, FinCovRegularization, FindIt, ForecastComb, GENLIB, HiGarrote, INFOSET, LCF, MixSemiRob, MoTBFs, NlcOptim, OptimalDesign, PACLasso, PCRA, PerformanceAnalytics, RCT2, REN, RMT4DS, ROI.plugin.quadprog, RSSL, RWNN, RaceID, RiskPortfolios, SDT, SOMnmR, ScreenClean, SimCop, SurvMA, TCA, TSEtools, TopicScore, TraceAssist, cgaim, cirls, cols, cvmaPLFAM, ddml, directlabels, dti, earlywarnings, ecpc, eiopt2, evclust, expectreg, expertsurv, fPortfolio, facmodTS, fastTopics, fertilmodel, flexsurv, frechet, fuzzyreg, ggdist, goric, gorica, gromovlab, hfr, highOrderPortfolios, hmmm, hsrecombi, ic.infer, kdecopula, lavaan, limSolve, list, mSigTools, mable, maicChecks, matrans, mboost, mcprofile, misPRIME, mistral, mixKernel, mlt, monomvn, multinomineq, netgsa, np, npbr, npsp, optiSel, parma, pencopulaCond, phangorn, portfolioBacktest, powerly, qtlpoly, quadprogXT, restriktor, riskParityPortfolio, robustrao, rocsvm.path, rodd, scdensity, simPH, simode, skedastic, snfa, soilfoodwebs, soilhypfit, spedecon, stm, survivalsvm, svrpath, tboot, ternvis, tseries, uniReg, varTestnlme, vrnmf.
Depended on by AHM, BSW, Benchmarking, CMLS, ForecastCombinations, HSDiC, MonoPoly, SEL, ShapeChange, bigsplines, cosso, evalITR, iterLap, kappalab, kinship2, ordPens, sbw, sharpData, vottrans.
Suggested by DiSCos, DoseFinding, NMOF, PortfolioAnalytics, STPGA, SuperLearner, basefun, bayestestR, bigsnpr, binsegRcpp, clue, colorSpec, crs, ctmm, drtmle, micEconDistRay, neighbours, nnls, opera, popbio, pracma, sigminer, subsemble, surveillance, tablesgg, tidyhte, vimp.
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