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5.1.10 by Kevin Ushey, a month ago,

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Authors: JJ Allaire [aut] , Romain Francois [aut, cph] , Kevin Ushey [aut, cre] , Gregory Vandenbrouck [aut] , Marcus Geelnard [aut, cph] (TinyThread library , , Hamada S. Badr [ctb] , Posit , PBC [cph] , Intel [aut, cph] (Intel TBB library , , Microsoft [cph]

Documentation:   PDF Manual  

GPL (>= 3) license

Suggests Rcpp, RUnit, knitr, rmarkdown

System requirements: GNU make, Intel TBB, Windows: cmd.exe and cscript.exe, Solaris: g++ is required

Imported by AovBay, BGVAR, BPrinStratTTE, BayesGmed, BayesGrowth, BayesSenMC, BayesianPlatformDesignTimeTrend, BeeGUTS, Bernadette, DNAtools, DatabionicSwarm, EcoEnsemble, EloSteepness, EquiTrends, Euclimatch, FlexReg, FuncDiv, GMKMcharlie, GUD, GeneralizedUmatrix, GenomeAdmixR, IncDTW, LMMELSM, MSCA, MultiBD, NNS, NestedCategBayesImpute, OncoBayes2, OpenMx, PAGFL, PINSPlus, PoolTestR, ProbBreed, R2D2ordinal, RBesT, RcppMeCab, RoBTT, SAR, Scalelink, SpatMCA, SpatPCA, StMoSim, StanHeaders, StanMoMo, TFRE, WhiteLabRt, asteRisk, bakR, baldur, baseballr, bayes4psy, bayesforecast, bayeslm, bcf, beanz, beastt, bennu, birdie, blavaan, bmggum, bmlm, bootUR, bsynth, bws, catSurv, cppRouting, ctsem, cvLM, dbmss, detrendr, distops, divent, dodgr, dtwclust, eDNAjoint, ebTobit, evesim, fasano.franceschini.test, fastRhockey, fastTopics, fastglmpca, fcirt, geostan, gibasa, glmmPen, glmmfields, glow, greencrab.toolkit, hbamr, hermiter, historicalborrowlong, hoopR, hpa, hwep, idem, imt, inferCSN, jfa, lamW, lessSEM, lgpr, lightAUC, lingmatch, lnmixsurv, mappoly, markets, markovchain, matrixprofiler, measr, metaBMA, microclass, milr, miniLNM, mlts, mrbayes, msce, multinma, multipleDL, networkscaleup, openCR, parTimeROC, parallelDist, patternplot, pema, phacking, phylopairs, pprof, prome, prophet, psBayesborrow, rNeighborGWAS, rPref, rTRNG, rater, rcbayes, reservr, rmBayes, roll, rstan, rstanarm, rstanbdp, rstantools, rts2, rubias, rxode2ll, scDHA, scistreer, secr, secsse, sentometrics, seqtrie, serosv, skm, smam, ssMousetrack, stan4bart, stringfish, surveil, survstan, tglkmeans, thurstonianIRT, truncnormbayes, tsmarch, tsmp, tsnet, visit, walker, wehoop, winputall, zoid.

Depended on by CaseBasedReasoning, Ravages, Rfast, Rfast2, gaston, junctions.

Suggested by BINtools, PosteriorBootstrap, alien, brms.mmrm, oddsapiR, tipsae.

Linked to by CARME, CNVRG, Cyclops, EpiNow2, MADPop, MetaStan, Rlgt, TriDimRegression, autoFRK, baggr, bayesdfa, bayeslist, bistablehistory, bmgarch, bmstdr, cloneRate, coconots, conStruct, crctStepdown, densEstBayes, disbayes, eggCounts, expertsurv, gastempt, glmmrBase, hsstan, isotracer, mvMAPIT, oncomsm, pcFactorStan, publipha, qs2, rPBK, rbioacc, rmsb, rstanemax, rxode2, tmbstan, trialr, ubms.

See at CRAN