Reference manual

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2.21.13 by Robert M. Kirkpatrick, 4 months ago,

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Authors: Steven M. Boker [aut] , Michael C. Neale [aut] , Hermine H. Maes [aut] , Michael J. Wilde [ctb] , Michael Spiegel [aut] , Timothy R. Brick [aut] , Ryne Estabrook [aut] , Timothy C. Bates [aut] , Paras Mehta [ctb] , Timo von Oertzen [ctb] , Ross J. Gore [aut] , Michael D. Hunter [aut] , Daniel C. Hackett [ctb] , Julian Karch [ctb] , Andreas M. Brandmaier [ctb] , Joshua N. Pritikin [aut] , Mahsa Zahery [aut] , Robert M. Kirkpatrick [aut, cre] , Yang Wang [ctb] , Ben Goodrich [ctb] , Charles Driver [ctb] , Massachusetts Institute of Technology [cph] , S. G. Johnson [cph] , Association for Computing Machinery [cph] , Dieter Kraft [cph] , Stefan Wilhelm [cph] , Sarah Medland [cph] , Carl F. Falk [cph] , Matt Keller [cph] , Manjunath B G [cph] , The Regents of the University of California [cph] , Lester Ingber [cph] , Wong Shao Voon [cph] , Juan Palacios [cph] , Jiang Yang [cph] , Gael Guennebaud [cph] , Jitse Niesen [cph]

Documentation:   PDF Manual  

Apache License (== 2.0) license

Imports digest, MASS, Matrix, methods, Rcpp, RcppParallel, parallel, lifecycle

Suggests mvtnorm, numDeriv, roxygen2, rpf, snowfall, lme4, covr, testthat, umx, ifaTools, knitr, markdown, rmarkdown, reshape2, ggplot2

Linking to Rcpp, RcppEigen, RcppParallel, StanHeaders, BH, rpf, Matrix

System requirements: GNU make, C++17

Imported by ACEsimFit, MBESS, MultiGroupSequential, depCensoring, merror, mxmmod, semPlot, symSEM.

Depended on by CoTiMA, EasyMx, RMediation, ctsemOMX, ifaTools, lvnet, metaSEM, mulSEM, mxsem, nlpsem, semtree, tidySEM, umx.

Suggested by BGmisc, nonnest2, sharp, simsem.

See at CRAN