Reference manual

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0.5-6 by Edgar Merkle, 3 months ago,

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Authors: Edgar Merkle [aut, cre] , Yves Rosseel [aut] , Ben Goodrich [aut] , Mauricio Garnier-Villarreal [ctb] , R/blav_compare.R , R/ctr_bayes_fit.R , vignettes) , Terrence D. Jorgensen [ctb] , R/ctr_bayes_fit.R , R/ctr_ppmc.R , R/blav_predict.R) , Huub Hoofs [ctb] (R/ctr_bayes_fit.R) , Rens van de Schoot [ctb] (R/ctr_bayes_fit.R) , Andrew Johnson [ctb] (Makevars) , Matthew Emery [ctb] (loo moment_match)

Documentation:   PDF Manual  

GPL (>= 3) license

Imports stats, utils, graphics, lavaan, coda, mnormt, nonnest2, loo, rstan, rstantools, RcppParallel, bayesplot, Matrix, future.apply, tmvnsim

Depends on methods, Rcpp

Suggests runjags, modeest, rjags, cmdstanr, semTools, tinytest

Linking to StanHeaders, rstan, BH, Rcpp, RcppEigen, RcppParallel

System requirements: GNU make

Imported by tidySEM.

Depended on by brxx.

Suggested by bayestestR, insight, performance, semTools.

See at CRAN