Reference manual

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2.32.10 by Ben Goodrich, 5 months ago

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Authors: Ben Goodrich [cre, aut] , Joshua Pritikin [ctb] , Andrew Gelman [aut] , Bob Carpenter [aut] , Matt Hoffman [aut] , Daniel Lee [aut] , Michael Betancourt [aut] , Marcus Brubaker [aut] , Jiqiang Guo [aut] , Peter Li [aut] , Allen Riddell [aut] , Marco Inacio [aut] , Mitzi Morris [aut] , Jeffrey Arnold [aut] , Rob Goedman [aut] , Brian Lau [aut] , Rob Trangucci [aut] , Jonah Gabry [aut] , Alp Kucukelbir [aut] , Robert Grant [aut] , Dustin Tran [aut] , Michael Malecki [aut] , Yuanjun Gao [aut] , Hamada S. Badr [aut] , Trustees of Columbia University [cph] , Lawrence Livermore National Security [cph] (CVODES) , The Regents of the University of California [cph] (CVODES) , Southern Methodist University [cph] (CVODES)

Documentation:   PDF Manual  

BSD_3_clause + file LICENSE license

Imports RcppParallel

Suggests Rcpp, BH, knitr, rmarkdown, Matrix, methods, rstan, withr

Linking to RcppEigen, RcppParallel

System requirements: GNU make, pandoc

Imported by SMNlmec, bayesforecast, modeltime, prophet.

Depended on by bayesvl, llbayesireg, rstan.

Suggested by Bernadette, brms.mmrm, rstanarm.

Linked to by AovBay, BINtools, BPrinStratTTE, BayesGmed, BayesGrowth, BayesSenMC, BayesianPlatformDesignTimeTrend, BeeGUTS, CARME, CNVRG, CausalQueries, DCPO, EcoEnsemble, EloSteepness, EpiNow2, FlexReg, GUD, LMMELSM, MADPop, MIRES, MetaStan, OncoBayes2, OpenMx, PoolTestR, ProbBreed, RBesT, Rlgt, RoBTT, StanMoMo, TriDimRegression, WhiteLabRt, YPBP, YPPE, baggr, bakR, baldur, bayes4psy, bayesZIB, bayesdfa, bayeslist, bbmix, beanz, bellreg, bennu, birdie, bistablehistory, blavaan, bmgarch, bmggum, bmlm, bmstdr, breathteststan, bsynth, bws, cbq, cloneRate, coconots, conStruct, ctsem, densEstBayes, disbayes, eDNAjoint, eggCounts, fcirt, gastempt, geostan, glmmPen, glmmfields, glmmrBase, greencrab.toolkit, hBayesDM, hbamr, historicalborrowlong, hsstan, hwep, idem, imt, isotracer, jfa, lgpr, measr, metaBMA, miniLNM, mlts, mrbayes, multinma, multipleDL, networkscaleup, oncomsm, parTimeROC, pcFactorStan, pema, phacking, phylopairs, prome, psBayesborrow, publipha, rPBK, rater, rbioacc, rcbayes, rmBayes, rmsb, rstanbdp, rstanemax, rts2, rxode2, rxode2ll, serosv, spsurv, ssMousetrack, surveil, survstan, thurstonianIRT, tipsae, tmbstan, trialr, truncnormbayes, tsnet, ubms, visit, walker, winputall, zoid.

See at CRAN