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5.2.0 by Murray Efford, a month ago,
Browse source code at
Authors: Murray Efford [aut, cre] , Philipp Jund [ctb] (faster transect search and spacing) , David Fletcher [ctb] (overdispersion) , Yan Ru Choo [ctb] , goodness-of-fit)
Documentation: PDF Manual
GPL (>= 2) license
Imports abind, graphics, grDevices, MASS, mgcv, mvtnorm, nlme, parallel, raster, Rcpp, RcppNumerical, RcppParallel, sf, stats, stringr, terra, tools, utils
Depends on methods
Suggests gdistance, igraph, knitr, readxl, rmarkdown, sp, spatstat, spatstat.geom, spatstat.random, spcosa, spsurvey, testthat
Linking to BH, Rcpp, RcppEigen, RcppNumerical, RcppParallel
System requirements: GNU make
Imported by camtrapR.
Depended on by ipsecr, openCR, secrdesign, secrlinear.
Suggested by ScatterDensity, wiqid.
See at CRAN