Reference manual

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1.24.1 by Sebastian Meyer, 4 months ago

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Authors: Michael Hoehle [aut, ths] , Sebastian Meyer [aut, cre] , Michaela Paul [aut] , Leonhard Held [ctb, ths] , Howard Burkom [ctb] , Thais Correa [ctb] , Mathias Hofmann [ctb] , Christian Lang [ctb] , Juliane Manitz [ctb] , Sophie Reichert [ctb] , Andrea Riebler [ctb] , Daniel Sabanes Bove [ctb] , Maelle Salmon [ctb] , Dirk Schumacher [ctb] , Stefan Steiner [ctb] , Mikko Virtanen [ctb] , Wei Wei [ctb] , Valentin Wimmer [ctb] , R Core Team [ctb] (A few code segments are modified versions of code from base R)

Documentation:   PDF Manual  

GPL-2 license

Imports polyCub, MASS, Matrix, nlme, spatstat.geom

Depends on methods, grDevices, graphics, stats, utils, sp, xtable

Suggests parallel, grid, gridExtra, lattice, colorspace, scales, animation, msm, spc, coda, runjags, INLA, spdep, numDeriv, maxLik, gsl, fanplot, hhh4contacts, quadprog, memoise, polyclip, intervals, splancs, gamlss, MGLM, sf, tinytest, knitr

Enhances xts, ggplot2

Linking to polyCub

Imported by EpiSignalDetection, csalert.

Depended on by hhh4contacts.

Suggested by tscount.

See at CRAN