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16.3 by Douglas Nychka, 5 months ago
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Authors: Douglas Nychka [aut, cre] , Reinhard Furrer [aut] , John Paige [aut] , Stephan Sain [aut] , Florian Gerber [aut] , Matthew Iverson [aut] , Rider Johnson [aut]
Documentation: PDF Manual
GPL (>= 2) license
Imports maps
Depends on methods, spam, viridisLite
Imported by ADPclust, ASMap, BMRMM, BRcal, BallMapper, BayesLCA, BayesNetBP, BoundaryStats, CJIVE, CSHShydRology, CoastlineFD, DesignCTPB, EGRET, ETAS, ETRep, FLightR, GEOmap, GPFDA, GPvecchia, GRIDCOPULA, GeneralizedWendland, GeoAdjust, GeoThinneR, Hmsc, JOPS, LMERConvenienceFunctions, MOLHD, MRFA, MSIMST, MSmix, ModelMap, MultiObjMatch, NCutYX, OCNet, OptimaRegion, PEIP, RFOC, RNCEP, RPANDA, RsimMosaic, SUMMER, SafeVote, SeBR, Semblance, SensMap, SpATS, SpatialExtremes, SpatialVS, SpectralMap, StMoMo, SurvCorr, TideCurves, TwoTimeScales, Umatrix, WRTDStidal, astrochron, autoFRK, autoimage, aweSOM, bayesPop, biClassify, bioRad, bipartite, biwavelet, bkmr, ccTensor, chillR, ciftiTools, cmR, cmsafops, cmsafvis, cocons, convoSPAT, cope, corr2D, dartR.sim, dcTensor, demu, eDITH, earlywarnings, envi, etasFLP, expectreg, fcfdr, fdasrvf, fence, fnets, foreSIGHT, fsbrain, funData, gainML, gapfill, gateR, georob, geospt, goeveg, hero, hglasso, hht, infraFDTD.assist, klovan, landsepi, lgcp, mappoly, mousetrap, mrbsizeR, nnTensor, nucim, oceanmap, paramGUI, plsgenomics, popsom7, ppgm, prevR, pspatreg, qfa, qlcVisualize, rNOMADS, ramps, reslr, rhcoclust, rivnet, robflreg, rsat, rworldmap, scBio, siland, smosr, soilphysics, spBayesSurv, spant, sparrpowR, sparseBC, spatsurv, spm2, spmoran, stilt, stocc, stopp, stxplore, telefit, topologyGSA, treespace, uci, vectorwavelet, voluModel, vote, warpMix, wavScalogram, waywiser, wsyn.
Depended on by CCA, CNLTtsa, Canopy, EMD, ExpAnalysis3d, GeoModels, LatticeKrig, RadioSonde, SpatialVx, SynchWave, TIMP, TrackReconstruction, Voss, aSPU, fcr, fpa, geoelectrics, geosptdb, gwrr, highriskzone, mvLSW, spThin, verification.
Suggested by AHMbook, AMAPVox, EFDR, ExtremalDep, FDboost, GeneralizedUmatrix, GpGp, HPLB, HRW, HelpersMG, MBHdesign, PoweREST, ProjectionBasedClustering, R2BayesX, RSA, RSAtools, SimSurvey, SpatMCA, SpatPCA, SpiceFP, Thermimage, asymLD, backShift, bamlss, bigGP, bisque, climatol, dartR.base, dartR.captive, dartR.popgen, ebirdst, ensembleBMA, ensembleMOS, epimdr, epimdr2, extRemes, fdaACF, gravmagsubs, greta, gstat, guidedPLS, lava, mboost, multiocc, npsp, pedometrics, phenology, pliman, prioritizr, raster, recurse, sjSDM, smoothie, spBPS, spam, spreval, steps, swdft.
See at CRAN