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2.21 by Carsten F. Dormann, 11 days ago
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Authors: Carsten F. Dormann [aut, cre] , Jochen Fruend [aut] , Bernd Gruber [aut] , Tobias Bauer [ctb] , Stephen Beckett [ctb] , Mariano Devoto [ctb] , Gabriel M.F. Felix [ctb] , Jose M. Iriondo [ctb] , Tore Opsahl [ctb] , Rafael B.P. Pinheiro [ctb] , Rouven Strauss [ctb] , Diego P. Vazquez [ctb]
Documentation: PDF Manual
GPL license
Imports corpcor, fields, igraph, MASS, methods, permute
Depends on sna, vegan
Suggests knitr
Imported by NIMAA, PhageCocktail, RPANDA, bioregion, bootPLS, cassandRa, econetwork, econullnetr, nos, plsRglm, tapnet.
Suggested by HiveR, bipartiteD3, leiden, plsRbeta, primer.
See at CRAN