Reference manual

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1.2-4 by Nikolaus Umlauf, 5 months ago

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Authors: Nikolaus Umlauf [aut, cre] , Nadja Klein [aut] , Achim Zeileis [aut] , Meike Koehler [ctb] , Thorsten Simon [aut] , Stanislaus Stadlmann [ctb] , Alexander Volkmann [ctb]

Documentation:   PDF Manual  

GPL-2 | GPL-3 license

Imports Formula, MBA, mvtnorm, sp, Matrix, survival, methods, parallel

Depends on coda, colorspace, distributions3, mgcv

Suggests bit, ff, fields, gamlss, gamlss.dist, interp, rjags, BayesX, mapdata, maps, sf, nnet, spatstat, spdep, zoo, keras, splines2, sdPrior, statmod, glogis, glmnet, scoringRules, knitr, rmarkdown, MASS, tensorflow

Imported by distreg.vis, mevr.

Depended on by MJMbamlss, gmfamm.

See at CRAN