All packages

· A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H · I · J · K · L · M · N · O · P · Q · R · S · T · U · V · W · X · Y · Z ·

BIEN — 1.2.6

Tools for Accessing the Botanical Information and Ecology Network Database

BifactorIndicesCalculator — 0.2.2

Bifactor Indices Calculator

bife — 0.7.2

Binary Choice Models with Fixed Effects

BIFIEsurvey — 3.6-6

Tools for Survey Statistics in Educational Assessment

bifurcatingr — 2.1.0

Bifurcating Autoregressive Models

bigalgebra — 1.1.1

'BLAS' and 'LAPACK' Routines for Native R Matrices and 'big.matrix' Objects

biganalytics — 1.1.22

Utilities for 'big.matrix' Objects from Package 'bigmemory'

bigassertr — 0.1.6

Assertion and Message Functions

bigBits — 1.3

Perform Boolean Operations on Large Numbers

bigchess — 1.9.1

Read, Write, Manipulate, Explore Chess PGN Files and R API to UCI Chess Engines

bigD — 0.2.0

Flexibly Format Dates and Times to a Given Locale

bigdatadist — 1.1

Distances for Machine Learning and Statistics in the Context of Big Data

BIGDAWG — 3.0.3

Case-Control Analysis of Multi-Allelic Loci

bigDM — 0.5.5

Scalable Bayesian Disease Mapping Models for High-Dimensional Data

bigergm — 1.2.1

Fit, Simulate, and Diagnose Hierarchical Exponential-Family Models for Big Networks

bigGP — 0.1.8

Distributed Gaussian Process Calculations

BIGL — 1.9.3

Biochemically Intuitive Generalized Loewe Model

biglasso — 1.6.0

Extending Lasso Model Fitting to Big Data

bigleaf — 0.8.2

Physical and Physiological Ecosystem Properties from Eddy Covariance Data

biglm — 0.9-3

Bounded Memory Linear and Generalized Linear Models

bigMap — 2.3.1

Big Data Mapping

bigmatch — 0.6.4

Making Optimal Matching Size-Scalable Using Optimal Calipers

bigmds — 3.0.0

Multidimensional Scaling for Big Data

bigmemory — 4.6.4

Manage Massive Matrices with Shared Memory and Memory-Mapped Files

bigmemory.sri — 0.1.8

A Shared Resource Interface for Bigmemory Project Packages

bignum — 0.3.2

Arbitrary-Precision Integer and Floating-Point Mathematics

bigparallelr — 0.3.2

Easy Parallel Tools

bigQF — 1.6

Quadratic Forms in Large Matrices

BigQuic — 1.1-13

Big Quadratic Inverse Covariance Estimation

bigreadr — 0.2.5

Read Large Text Files

bigReg — 0.1.5

Generalized Linear Models (GLM) for Large Data Sets

bigrquery — 1.5.1

An Interface to Google's 'BigQuery' 'API'

bigrquerystorage — 1.1.0

An Interface to Google's 'BigQuery Storage' API

bigsimr — 0.12.0

Fast Generation of High-Dimensional Random Vectors

bigsnpr — 1.12.15

Analysis of Massive SNP Arrays

bigsparser — 0.7.3

Sparse Matrix Format with Data on Disk

bigsplines — 1.1-1

Smoothing Splines for Large Samples

bigstatsr — 1.6.1

Statistical Tools for Filebacked Big Matrices

bigstep — 1.1.1

Stepwise Selection for Large Data Sets

bigSurvSGD — 0.0.1

Big Survival Analysis Using Stochastic Gradient Descent

bigtabulate — 1.1.9

Table, Apply, and Split Functionality for Matrix and 'big.matrix' Objects

bigtcr — 1.1

Nonparametric Analysis of Bivariate Gap Time with Competing Risks

bigtime — 0.2.3

Sparse Estimation of Large Time Series Models

bigutilsr — 0.3.4

Utility Functions for Large-scale Data

BigVAR — 1.1.2

Dimension Reduction Methods for Multivariate Time Series

bikeshare14 — 0.1.4

Bay Area Bike Share Trips in 2014

bikm1 — 1.1.0

Co-Clustering Adjusted Rand Index and Bikm1 Procedure for Contingency and Binary Data-Sets

bild — 1.2-1

A Package for BInary Longitudinal Data

billboard — 0.1.0

Contains Data of Billboard Hot 100 Songs

billboarder — 0.5.0

Create Interactive Chart with the JavaScript 'Billboard' Library

bimets — 4.0.2

Time Series and Econometric Modeling

BimodalIndex — 1.1.9

The Bimodality Index

binancer — 1.2.0

API Client to 'Binance'

Binarize — 1.3.1

Binarization of One-Dimensional Data

BinarybalancedCut — 0.2

Threshold Cut Point of Probability for a Binary Classifier Model

BinaryDosage — 1.0.0

Creates, Merges, and Reads Binary Dosage Files

BinaryEMVS — 0.1

Variable Selection for Binary Data Using the EM Algorithm

BinaryEPPM — 3.0

Mean and Scale-Factor Modeling of Under- And Over-Dispersed Binary Data

binaryGP — 0.2

Fit and Predict a Gaussian Process Model with (Time-Series) Binary Response

binaryMM — 0.1.1

Flexible Marginalized Models for Binary Correlated Outcomes

binb — 0.0.7

'binb' is not 'Beamer'

BINCOR — 0.2.0

Estimate the Correlation Between Two Irregular Time Series

binda — 1.0.4

Multi-Class Discriminant Analysis using Binary Predictors

bindata — 0.9-21

Generation of Artificial Binary Data

bindr — 0.1.1

Parametrized Active Bindings

bindrcpp — 0.2.3

An 'Rcpp' Interface to Active Bindings

binequality — 1.0.4

Methods for Analyzing Binned Income Data

binford — 0.1.0

Binford's Hunter-Gatherer Data

binfunest — 0.1.0

Estimates Parameters of Functions Driving Binomial Random Variables

bingadsR — 0.1.0

Get Bing Ads Data via the '' API

bingat — 1.3

Binary Graph Analysis Tools

binGroup — 2.2-1

Evaluation and Experimental Design for Binomial Group Testing

binGroup2 — 1.3.1

Identification and Estimation using Group Testing

BinGSD — 0.0.1

Calculation for Single Arm Group Sequential Test with Binary Endpoint

binhf — 1.0-3

Haar-Fisz Functions for Binomial Data

binman — 0.1.3

A Binary Download Manager

BinMat — 0.1.5

Processes Binary Data Obtained from Fragment Analysis (Such as AFLPs, ISSRs, and RFLPs)

binMto — 0.0-7

Many-to-One Comparisons of Proportions

BinNonNor — 1.5.3

Data Generation with Binary and Continuous Non-Normal Components

BinNor — 2.3.3

Simultaneous Generation of Multivariate Binary and Normal Variates

binom — 1.1-1.1

Binomial Confidence Intervals for Several Parameterizations

binomCI — 1.1

Confidence Intervals for a Binomial Proportion

binomialRF — 0.1.0

Binomial Random Forest Feature Selection

binomialtrend —

Calculates the Statistical Significance of a Trend in a Set of Measurements

BinOrdNonNor — 1.5.2

Concurrent Generation of Binary, Ordinal and Continuous Data

binovisualfields — 0.1.1

Depth-Dependent Binocular Visual Fields Simulation

binpackr — 0.1.1

Fast 1d Bin Packing

binr — 1.1.1

Cut Numeric Values into Evenly Distributed Groups

BinSegBstrap — 1.0-1

Piecewise Smooth Regression by Bootstrapped Binary Segmentation

binsegRcpp — 2023.8.31

Efficient Implementation of Binary Segmentation

binseqtest — 1.0.4

Exact Binary Sequential Designs and Analysis

binsmooth — 0.2.2

Generate PDFs and CDFs from Binned Data

binspp — 0.1.26

Bayesian Inference for Neyman-Scott Point Processes

binsreg — 1.1

Binscatter Estimation and Inference

binst — 0.2.1

Data Preprocessing, Binning for Classification and Regression

BINtools — 0.2.0

Bayesian BIN (Bias, Information, Noise) Model of Forecasting

bio.infer — 1.3-6

Predict Environmental Conditions from Biological Observations

bio3d — 2.4-4

Biological Structure Analysis

bioacoustics — 0.2.8

Analyse Audio Recordings and Automatically Extract Animal Vocalizations

BiObjClass — 0.1.0

Classification of Algorithms

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