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1.2.4 by Cornelius Fritz, 15 days ago
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Authors: Cornelius Fritz [aut, cre] , Michael Schweinberger [aut] , Shota Komatsu [aut] , Juan Nelson MartÃnez Dahbura [aut] , Takanori Nishida [aut] , Angelo Mele [aut]
Documentation: PDF Manual
GPL-3 license
Imports RcppArmadillo, network, Matrix, cachem, tidyr, statnet.common, methods, stringr, intergraph, igraph, parallel, magrittr, purrr, dplyr, glue, readr, foreach, rlang, memoise, reticulate, ergm.multi
Depends on ergm, Rcpp
Suggests rmarkdown, knitr, testthat, sna, tibble
Linking to Rcpp, RcppArmadillo
See at CRAN