[email protected]

@hadley at GitHub


Houston, TX


Packages by Hadley Wickham

S7 — 0.1.1

An Object Oriented System Meant to Become a Successor to S3 and S4

bigrquery — 1.5.1

An Interface to Google's 'BigQuery' 'API'

dbplyr — 2.5.0

A 'dplyr' Back End for Databases

diffviewer — 0.1.2

HTML Widget to Show File Differences

downlit — 0.4.4

Syntax Highlighting and Automatic Linking

dplyr — 1.1.4

A Grammar of Data Manipulation

dtplyr — 1.3.1

Data Table Back-End for 'dplyr'

evaluate — 0.24.0

Parsing and Evaluation Tools that Provide More Details than the Default

ggvis — 0.4.9

Interactive Grammar of Graphics

haven — 2.5.4

Import and Export 'SPSS', 'Stata' and 'SAS' Files

httr — 1.4.7

Tools for Working with URLs and HTTP

httr2 — 1.0.3

Perform HTTP Requests and Process the Responses

isoband — 0.2.7

Generate Isolines and Isobands from Regularly Spaced Elevation Grids

modelr — 0.1.11

Modelling Functions that Work with the Pipe

multidplyr — 0.1.3

A Multi-Process 'dplyr' Backend

odbc — 1.5.0

Connect to ODBC Compatible Databases (using the DBI Interface)

pkgdown — 2.1.0

Make Static HTML Documentation for a Package

pool — 1.0.3

Object Pooling

roxygen2 — 7.3.2

In-Line Documentation for R

rvest — 1.0.4

Easily Harvest (Scrape) Web Pages

stringr — 1.5.1

Simple, Consistent Wrappers for Common String Operations

testthat —

Unit Testing for R

tidyr — 1.3.1

Tidy Messy Data

waldo — 0.5.3

Find Differences Between R Objects

xml2 — 1.3.6

Parse XML