All packages

· A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H · I · J · K · L · M · N · O · P · Q · R · S · T · U · V · W · X · Y · Z ·

LBPG — 0.1.2

The Length-Biased Power Garima Distribution

lbreg — 1.3

Log-Binomial Regression with Constrained Optimization

LBSPR — 0.1.6

Length-Based Spawning Potential Ratio

LCA — 0.1.1

Localised Co-Dependency Analysis

LCAextend — 1.3

Latent Class Analysis (LCA) with Familial Dependence in Extended Pedigrees

lcars — 0.4.0

LCARS Aesthetic for Shiny

LCAvarsel — 1.1

Variable Selection for Latent Class Analysis

lcc — 1.1.4

Longitudinal Concordance Correlation

LCCR — 1.3

Latent Class Capture-Recapture Models

lcda — 0.3.2

Latent Class Discriminant Analysis

LCF — 1.7.0

Linear Combination Fitting

LCFdata — 2.0

Data sets for package ``LMERConvenienceFunctions''

lchemix — 0.1.0

A Bayesian Multi-Dimensional Couple-Based Latent Risk Model

LCMCR — 0.4.14

Bayesian Non-Parametric Latent-Class Capture-Recapture

lcmm — 2.1.0

Extended Mixed Models Using Latent Classes and Latent Processes

LCMSQA — 1.0.2

Liquid Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry (LC/MS) Quality Assessment

lconnect — 0.1.2

Simple Tools to Compute Landscape Connectivity Metrics

lcopula — 1.0.7

Liouville Copulas

lcpm — 0.1.1

Ordinal Outcomes: Generalized Linear Models with the Log Link

lcra — 1.1.5

Bayesian Joint Latent Class and Regression Models

lcsm — 0.3.2

Univariate and Bivariate Latent Change Score Modelling

lctools — 0.2-10

Local Correlation, Spatial Inequalities, Geographically Weighted Regression and Other Tools

lcyanalysis — 1.0.4

Stock Data Analysis Functions

lda — 1.5.2

Collapsed Gibbs Sampling Methods for Topic Models

LDAandLDAS — 1.1.3

Linkage Disequilibrium of Ancestry (LDA) and LDA Score (LDAS)

LDABiplots — 0.1.2

Biplot Graphical Interface for LDA Models

LDAcoop — 0.1.2

Analysis of Data from Limiting Dilution Assay (LDA) with or without Cellular Cooperation

ldamatch — 1.0.3

Selection of Statistically Similar Research Groups

ldaPrototype — 0.3.1

Prototype of Multiple Latent Dirichlet Allocation Runs

LDAShiny — 0.9.3

User-Friendly Interface for Review of Scientific Literature

LDATree — 0.1.2

Classification Trees with Linear Discriminant Analysis at Terminal Nodes

LDATS — 0.3.0

Latent Dirichlet Allocation Coupled with Time Series Analyses

ldatuning — 1.0.2

Tuning of the Latent Dirichlet Allocation Models Parameters

LDAvis — 0.3.2

Interactive Visualization of Topic Models

ldbod — 0.1.2

Local Density-Based Outlier Detection

ldbounds — 2.0.2

Lan-DeMets Method for Group Sequential Boundaries

LDcorSV — 1.3.3

Linkage Disequilibrium Corrected by the Structure and the Relatedness

lddmm — 0.4.2

Longitudinal Drift-Diffusion Mixed Models (LDDMM)

ldhmm — 0.6.1

Hidden Markov Model for Financial Time-Series Based on Lambda Distribution

LDlinkR — 1.4.0

Calculating Linkage Disequilibrium (LD) in Human Population Groups of Interest

LDM — 6.0.1

Testing Hypotheses About the Microbiome using the Linear Decomposition Model

LDNN — 1.10

Longitudinal Data Neural Network

LDRTools — 0.2-2

Tools for Linear Dimension Reduction

ldsep — 2.1.5

Linkage Disequilibrium Shrinkage Estimation for Polyploids

ldsr — 0.0.2

Linear Dynamical System Reconstruction

ldt — 0.5.3

Automated Uncertainty Analysis

leabRa — 0.1.0

The Artificial Neural Networks Algorithm Leabra

leaderCluster — 1.5

Leader Clustering Algorithm

LeafArea — 0.1.8

Rapid Digital Image Analysis of Leaf Area

leafdown — 1.2.0

Provides Drill Down Functionality for 'leaflet' Choropleths

leafem — 0.2.3

'leaflet' Extensions for 'mapview'

leafgl — 0.1.1

High-Performance 'WebGl' Rendering for Package 'leaflet'

leaflegend — 1.2.1

Add Custom Legends to 'leaflet' Maps

leaflet — 2.2.2

Create Interactive Web Maps with the JavaScript 'Leaflet' Library

leaflet.esri — 1.0.0

'ESRI' Bindings for the 'leaflet' Package

leaflet.extras — 2.0.1

Extra Functionality for 'leaflet' Package

leaflet.extras2 — 1.2.2

Extra Functionality for 'leaflet' Package

leaflet.minicharts — 0.6.2

Mini Charts for Interactive Maps

leaflet.providers — 2.0.0

Leaflet Providers

leafpm — 0.1.0

Leaflet Map Plugin for Drawing and Editing

leafpop — 0.1.0

Include Tables, Images and Graphs in Leaflet Pop-Ups

leafR — 0.3.5

Calculates the Leaf Area Index (LAD) and Other Related Functions

leafSTAR — 1.0

Silhouette to Area Ratio of Tilted Surfaces

leafsync — 0.1.0

Small Multiples for Leaflet Web Maps

leaftime — 0.2.0

'Leaflet-timeline' Plugin for Leaflet

leakyIV — 0.0.1

Leaky Instrumental Variables

leanpubr — 0.3.1

'Leanpub' API Interface

leapgp — 1.0.0

Localized Ensemble of Approximate Gaussian Processes

leapp — 1.3

Latent Effect Adjustment After Primary Projection

leaps — 3.2

Regression Subset Selection

LeArEst — 1.0.0

Border and Area Estimation of Data Measured with Additive Error

LearnBayes — 2.15.1

Functions for Learning Bayesian Inference

LearnClust — 1.1

Learning Hierarchical Clustering Algorithms

LearnGeom — 1.5

Learning Plane Geometry

learningr — 0.29.1

Data and Functions to Accompany the Book "Learning R"

LearningRlab — 2.4

Statistical Learning Functions

LearningStats — 0.1.0

Elemental Descriptive and Inferential Statistics

learningtower — 1.0.1

OECD PISA Datasets from 2000-2018 in an Easy-to-Use Format

LearnPCA — 0.3.4

Functions, Data Sets and Vignettes to Aid in Learning Principal Components Analysis (PCA)

learnPopGen — 1.0.4

Population Genetic Simulations & Numerical Analysis

learnr — 0.11.5

Interactive Tutorials for R

learnrbook — 2.0.1

Datasets and Code Examples from P. J. Aphalo's "Learn R" Book

LearnSL — 1.0.0

Learn Supervised Classification Methods Through Examples and Code

leastcostpath — 2.0.12

Modelling Pathways and Movement Potential Within a Landscape

ledger — 2.0.11

Utilities for Importing Data from Plain Text Accounting Files

leem — 0.1.0

Laboratory of Teaching to Statistics and Mathematics

lefko3 — 6.3.1

Historical and Ahistorical Population Projection Matrix Analysis

legion — 0.1.2

Forecasting Using Multivariate Models

legislatoR — 1.1.0

Interface to the Comparative Legislators Database

LEGIT — 1.4.1

Latent Environmental & Genetic InTeraction (LEGIT) Model

legocolors — 0.4.0

Official Lego Color Palettes

lehdr — 1.1.3

Grab Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics (LEHD) Flat Files

lehuynh — 0.1.1

Le-Huynh Truc-Ly's R Code and Templates

leiden —

R Implementation of Leiden Clustering Algorithm

leidenAlg — 1.1.3

Implements the Leiden Algorithm via an R Interface

leidenbase — 0.1.30

R and C/C++ Wrappers to Run the Leiden find_partition() Function

leiv — 2.0-7

Bivariate Linear Errors-In-Variables Estimation

LeMaRns — 0.1.2

Length-Based Multispecies Analysis by Numerical Simulation

lemna — 1.0.1

Lemna Ecotox Effect Model

lemon — 0.4.9

Freshing Up your 'ggplot2' Plots

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