Reference manual

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0.4.9 by Stefan McKinnon Edwards, 7 months ago

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Authors: Stefan McKinnon Edwards [aut, ctb, cre] , Baptiste Auguie [ctb] (For g_legend and grid_arrange_shared_legend) , Shaun Jackman [ctb] (For grid_arrange_shared_legend) , Hadley Wickham [ctb] (ggplot2 functions) , Winston Chang [ctb] (ggplot2 functions)

Documentation:   PDF Manual  

GPL-3 license

Imports ggplot2, plyr, grid, gridExtra, gtable, knitr, lattice, scales

Suggests rmarkdown, stringr, dplyr, testthat, vdiffr, diffviewer

Imported by MultiGroupO, exploratory, ggreveal.

Suggested by icpack, robustlmm, vivid, wcde.

See at CRAN