Reference manual

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0.3.0 by Juniper L. Simonis, 10 months ago,

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Authors: Juniper L. Simonis [aut, cre] , Erica M. Christensen [aut] , David J. Harris [aut] , Renata M. Diaz [aut] , Hao Ye [aut] , Ethan P. White [aut] , S.K. Morgan Ernest [aut] , Weecology [cph]

Documentation:   PDF Manual  

MIT + file LICENSE license

Imports coda, digest, extraDistr, graphics, grDevices, lubridate, magrittr, memoise, methods, mvtnorm, nnet, progress, stats, topicmodels, viridis

Suggests knitr, pkgdown, rmarkdown, testthat, vdiffr

System requirements: gsl

See at CRAN