Reference manual

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2.3.9 by Kirill Müller, 4 months ago,

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Authors: Kirill Müller [aut, cre] , Hadley Wickham [aut] , David A. James [aut] , Seth Falcon [aut] , D. Richard Hipp [ctb] (for the included SQLite sources) , Dan Kennedy [ctb] (for the included SQLite sources) , Joe Mistachkin [ctb] (for the included SQLite sources) , SQLite Authors [ctb] (for the included SQLite sources) , Liam Healy [ctb] (for the included SQLite sources) , R Consortium [fnd] , RStudio [cph]

Documentation:   PDF Manual  

LGPL (>= 2.1) license

Imports bit64, blob, DBI, memoise, methods, pkgconfig, rlang

Suggests callr, cli, DBItest, decor, gert, gh, hms, knitr, magrittr, rmarkdown, rvest, testthat, withr, xml2

Linking to plogr, cpp11

Imported by ActiSleep, AdhereRViz, Andromeda, BatchExperiments, BatchJobs, BoSSA, D3GB, Eunomia, FIESTA, FIESTAutils, FeatureExtraction, GWASinspector, LowWAFOMNX, LowWAFOMSobol, Mega2R, NetSimR, PAMmisc, PAMpal, ProfoundData, QBMS, ReviewR, SEERaBomb, SGP, SSN2, SSNbler, acc, acdcquery, activAnalyzer, agcounts, apsimx, archivist, bdlp, blsBandit, cansim, cranlike, datrProfile, dbflobr, dexter, dexterMST, eatDB, emuR, eplusr, expDB, filehashSQLite, gcbd, geomultistar, globaltrends, htsr, kidsides, landsepi, liteq, marmap, metrica, mfdb, moodleR, mpathsenser, neuroimaGene, nlpembeds, openappr, orderly, parquetize, pestr, prrd, pubtatordb, qst, qtl2, rSHAPE, rangeMapper, rapsimng, rcprd, rsyncrosim, scopr, sehrnett, sendigR, shiny.telemetry, shinyNotes, shinymanager, shinymgr, simplegraphdb, snowquery, soundClass, sqliter, sqliteutils, taxonomizr, tidyhydat, tidywikidatar, tigreBrowserWriter, toxSummary, trackeR, vegdata, zipcodeR.

Depended on by CITAN, ECOTOXr, RecordLinkage, gde, snplist, sqldf.

Suggested by CDMConnector, COVID19, CommonDataModel, DBI, DBItest, DatabaseConnector, ETLUtils, GWSDAT, InterpretMSSpectrum, LexisNexisTools, OhdsiReportGenerator, PatientLevelPrediction, PhysicalActivity, ProjectTemplate, R6P, RSQL, RaMS, ResultModelManager, SCDB, SpaDES.core, arkdb, baseballr, bigchess, biglm, biglmm, bigreadr, bigsnpr, camtrapR, caroline, cdata, chunked, connections, convey, corrr, ctrdata, cytominer, dataverifyr, dbglm, dbi.table, dbplyr, dbx, diseasystore, disprose, dittodb, dlookr, dm, dplyr, easydb, editbl, etl, fastRhockey, filematrix, finbif, geogenr, glue, gpkg, healthdb, hoopR, iNZightPlots, iNZightTools, ipumsr, janitor, learnr, lgrExtra, maGUI, macleish, mlr3db, modeldb, mstherm, nflfastR, nodbi, oai, oce, octopus, odbc, oddsapiR, orbital, pdfminer, pmparser, pointblank, pool, prqlr, quantmod,, rdataretriever, repana, reproducible, rocker, rolap, rqdatatable, rquery, scrime, sf, shiny.reglog, shinyChatR, shinyauthr, shinylogs, soilDB, sqlhelper, sqltargets, srcr, srvyr, stenographer, stevemisc, storr, stream, survey, svrep, taxadb, tidier, tidypredict, tidyquery, ursa, vismeteor, vtreat, wehoop, when, winch, withr, writer.

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