Reference manual

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0.8-89 by R Core Team, 8 hours ago

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Authors: R Core Team [aut, cph, cre] (02zz1nj61) , Roger Bivand [ctb, cph] , Vincent J. Carey [ctb, cph] , Saikat DebRoy [ctb, cph] , Stephen Eglen [ctb, cph] , Rajarshi Guha [ctb, cph] , Swetlana Herbrandt [ctb] , Nicholas Lewin-Koh [ctb, cph] , Mark Myatt [ctb, cph] , Michael Nelson [ctb] , Ben Pfaff [ctb] , Brian Quistorff [ctb] , Frank Warmerdam [ctb, cph] , Stephen Weigand [ctb, cph] , Free Software Foundation , Inc. [cph]

Documentation:   PDF Manual  

GPL (>= 2) license

Imports methods, utils, stats

Imported by Amelia, BETS, BiBitR, Deducer, DescToolsAddIns, EffectLiteR, GLMpack, Hmisc, LOGAN, R2MLwiN, RALSA, RNHANES, RSP, RStata, RcmdrMisc, Rsagacmd, SDEFSR, SPARTAAS, SemNetCleaner, Sofi, aweSOM, basifoR, conmet, dynRB, easyr, fSRM, fetch, gesisdata, graph4lg, importinegi, intsvy, kutils, nhanesA, nhdR, normfluodbf, pewdata, prevR, psidR, psychTools, r.blip, rdhs, retistruct, rio, ropercenter, rsatscan, superb, synthpop, taxlist, umx, vegtable, weatherOz.

Depended on by BayesTwin, CTTinShiny, diverse, easyPSID, epiDisplay, pkr, rsubgroup, separationplot, shapefiles, vegdata.

Suggested by AER, ImportExport, JointAI, NipponMap, PBSmapping, PracTools, ProjectTemplate, REdaS, RGIFT, Rcmdr, RcmdrPlugin.EZR, SSVS, SemNeT, VirtualPop, abstr, bruceR, cNORM, causaldrf, datana, datazoom.amazonia, dynBiplotGUI, epiCleanr, epiR, essurvey, exactextractr, expss, frequency, gap, getmstatistic, htetree, jmvReadWrite, libr, memapp, metamicrobiomeR, mi, miceadds, miceafter, migui, mitools, multcomp, oce, osum, papeR, prabclus, psfmi, rattle, rddapp, rfordummies, rsconnect, simsem, spData, spacetime, spatialreg, spdep, survey, svydiags, versioning, vocaldia, volleystat.

See at CRAN