Reference manual

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2.0.80 by Mark Stevenson, a month ago

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Authors: Mark Stevenson [aut, cre] , Evan Sergeant [aut] , Cord Heuer [ctb] , Telmo Nunes [ctb] , Cord Heuer [ctb] , Jonathon Marshall [ctb] , Javier Sanchez [ctb] , Ron Thornton [ctb] , Jeno Reiczigel [ctb] , Jim Robison-Cox [ctb] , Paola Sebastiani [ctb] , Peter Solymos [ctb] , Kazuki Yoshida [ctb] , Geoff Jones [ctb] , Sarah Pirikahu [ctb] , Simon Firestone [ctb] , Ryan Kyle [ctb] , Johann Popp [ctb] , Mathew Jay [ctb] , Allison Cheung [ctb] , Nagendra Singanallur [ctb] , Aniko Szabo [ctb] , Ahmad Rabiee [ctb]

Documentation:   PDF Manual  

GPL (>= 2) license

Imports BiasedUrn, pander, methods, sf, lubridate, zoo, flextable, officer

Depends on survival

Suggests MASS, dplyr, foreign, ggplot2, knitr, rmarkdown, plyr, RColorBrewer, scales, sp, spData, spatstat, tidyr

Imported by Dtableone, PSS.Health, RSurveillance, dtComb, gofcat, spectacles.

Depended on by EpiStats, RcmdrPlugin.EBM.

Suggested by FRESA.CAD, broom, insight, metaConvert, metaumbrella, parameters.

See at CRAN