Reference manual

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0.6.7 by David Gohel, 5 months ago,

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Authors: David Gohel [aut, cre] , Stefan Moog [aut] , Mark Heckmann [aut] , ArData [cph] , Frank Hangler [ctb] (function body_replace_all_text) , Liz Sander [ctb] (several documentation fixes) , Anton Victorson [ctb] (fixes xml structures) , Jon Calder [ctb] (update vignettes) , John Harrold [ctb] (function annotate_base) , John Muschelli [ctb] (google doc compatibility) , Bill Denney [ctb] , function as.matrix.rpptx) , Nikolai Beck [ctb] (set speaker notes for .pptx documents) , Greg Leleu [ctb] (fields functionality in ppt) , Majid Eismann [ctb] , Hongyuan Jia [ctb]

Documentation:   PDF Manual  

MIT + file LICENSE license

Imports cli, graphics, grDevices, openssl, R6, ragg, stats, utils, uuid, xml2, zip

Suggests devEMF, doconv, ggplot2, knitr, magick, rmarkdown, rsvg, testthat

Imported by DemographicTable, DescrTab2, EpiReport, GRShiny, GWSDAT, MCPModPack, MedianaDesigner, Rrepest, SWMPrExtension, TestAnaAPP, WordR, apmx, augmentedRCBD, autoReg, autoslider.core, bfw, codebookr, compareGroups, crosstable, demoGraphic, documenter, eoffice, epiR, export, flextable, gto, inTextSummaryTable, interactionR, interpretCI, ivo.table, jsmodule, kfa, microplot, mschart, officedown, onbrand, presenter, r2pptx, reappraised, relMix, repmod, revise, robmedExtra, rrtable, rsides, rtables.officer, rvg, saros, thinkr, visvaR, washi, ztable.

Suggested by Mediana, SurveyDefense, accessr, activAnalyzer, basictabler, esquisse, flexlsx, gtsummary, huxtable, manymome.table, modelsummary, r2rtf, reservr, rmsMD, statgenGWAS, strand, toxSummary, ubiquity, visOmopResults.

See at CRAN