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GFM — 1.2.1

Generalized Factor Model

gfonts — 0.2.0

Offline 'Google' Fonts for 'Markdown' and 'Shiny'

gfoRmula — 1.0.4

Parametric G-Formula

gFormulaMI — 1.0.0

G-Formula for Causal Inference via Multiple Imputation

gfunctions — 1.0

G-Functions — 1.3

Define Segments in y-Axis for 'ggplot2'

ggalign — 0.0.3

Align Multiple 'ggplot' Objects

ggaligner — 0.1

Visualizing Sequence Alignment by Generating Publication-Ready Plots

ggalignment — 1.0.1

Plots 'D&D'-Style Alignment Charts

ggallin — 0.1.1

Grab Bag of 'ggplot2' Functions

ggalluvial — 0.12.5

Alluvial Plots in 'ggplot2'

GGally — 2.2.1

Extension to 'ggplot2'

ggalt — 0.4.0

Extra Coordinate Systems, 'Geoms', Statistical Transformations, Scales and Fonts for 'ggplot2'

ggamma — 1.0.1

Generalized Gamma Probability Distribution

gganimate — 1.0.9

A Grammar of Animated Graphics

ggarchery — 0.4.3

Flexible Segment Geoms with Arrows for 'ggplot2'

ggarrow — 0.1.0

Arrows for 'ggplot2'

ggautomap — 0.3.2

Create Maps from a Column of Place Names

ggbeeswarm — 0.7.2

Categorical Scatter (Violin Point) Plots

ggbiplot — 0.6.2

A Grammar of Graphics Implementation of Biplots

ggblanket — 10.0.0

Simplify 'ggplot2' Visualisation

ggblend — 0.1.0

Blending and Compositing Algebra for 'ggplot2'

ggborderline — 0.2.0

Line Plots that Pop

ggbrace — 0.1.1

Curly Braces for 'ggplot2'

ggbrain — 0.8.1

Create Images of Volumetric Brain Data in NIfTI Format Using 'ggplot2' Syntax

ggbreak — 0.1.2

Set Axis Break for 'ggplot2'

ggbrick — 0.3.0

Waffle Style Chart with a Brick Layout in 'ggplot2'

ggBubbles — 0.1.4

Mini Bubble Plots for Comparison of Discrete Data with 'ggplot2'

ggbuildr — 0.1.0

Save Incremental Builds of Plots

ggbump — 0.1.0

Bump Chart and Sigmoid Curves

ggchangepoint — 0.1.0

Combines Changepoint Analysis with 'ggplot2'

ggcharts — 0.2.1

Shorten the Distance from Data Visualization Idea to Actual Plot

ggChernoff — 0.3.0

Chernoff Faces for 'ggplot2'

GGClassification — 0.1

Gabriel Graph Based Large-Margin Classifiers

ggcleveland — 0.1.0

Implementation of Plots from Cleveland's Visualizing Data Book

ggcorrplot —

Visualization of a Correlation Matrix using 'ggplot2'

ggcorset — 0.5.0

The Corset Plot

ggdag — 0.2.13

Analyze and Create Elegant Directed Acyclic Graphs

ggdark — 0.2.1

Dark Mode for 'ggplot2' Themes

ggdaynight — 0.1.3

Add Day/Night Patterns to 'ggplot2' Plots

ggdemetra — 0.2.8

'ggplot2' Extension for Seasonal and Trading Day Adjustment with 'RJDemetra'

ggdendro — 0.2.0

Create Dendrograms and Tree Diagrams Using 'ggplot2'

ggdensity — 1.0.0

Interpretable Bivariate Density Visualization with 'ggplot2'

ggdist — 3.3.2

Visualizations of Distributions and Uncertainty

ggdmc —

Cognitive Models

ggDoE — 0.8

Modern Graphs for Design of Experiments with 'ggplot2'

ggDoubleHeat — 0.1.2

A Heatmap-Like Visualization Tool

gge — 1.8

Genotype Plus Genotype-by-Environment Biplots

ggeasy — 0.1.4

Easy Access to 'ggplot2' Commands

GGEBiplots — 0.1.3

GGE Biplots with 'ggplot2'

ggedit — 0.4.1

Interactive 'ggplot2' Layer and Theme Aesthetic Editor

ggeffects — 1.7.1

Create Tidy Data Frames of Marginal Effects for 'ggplot' from Model Outputs

ggenealogy — 1.0.3

Visualization Tools for Genealogical Data

ggESDA — 0.2.0

Exploratory Symbolic Data Analysis with 'ggplot2'

ggetho — 0.3.7

Visualisation of High-Throughput Behavioural (i.e. Ethomics) Data

ggExtra — 0.10.1

Add Marginal Histograms to 'ggplot2', and More 'ggplot2' Enhancements

ggfacto — 0.3.1

Graphs for Correspondence Analysis

ggfields — 0.0.6

Add Vector Field Layers to Ggplots

ggfigdone — 0.1.2

Manage & Modify 'ggplot' Figures using 'ggfigdone'

ggFishPlots — 0.3.0

Visualise and Calculate Life History Parameters for Fisheries Science using 'ggplot2'

ggfittext — 0.10.2

Fit Text Inside a Box in 'ggplot2'

ggfixest — 0.1.0

Dedicated 'ggplot2' Methods for 'fixest' Objects

ggflowchart — 1.0.0

Flowcharts with 'ggplot2'

ggfocus — 1.0.0

Scales that Focus Specific Levels in your ggplot()

ggforce — 0.4.2

Accelerating 'ggplot2'

ggformula — 0.12.0

Formula Interface to the Grammar of Graphics

ggfortify — 0.4.17

Data Visualization Tools for Statistical Analysis Results

ggfoundry — 0.3.1

Shape Foundry & Geom for 'ggplot2'

ggfun — 0.1.6

Miscellaneous Functions for 'ggplot2'

ggfx — 1.0.1

Pixel Filters for 'ggplot2' and 'grid'

gggap — 1.0.1

Streamlined Creation of Segments on the Y-Axis of 'ggplot2' Plots

gggenes — 0.5.1

Draw Gene Arrow Maps in 'ggplot2'

gggenomes — 1.0.1

A Grammar of Graphics for Comparative Genomics

ggghost — 0.2.1

Capture the Spirit of Your 'ggplot2' Calls

gggibbous — 0.1.1

Moon Charts, a Pie Chart Alternative

gggrid — 0.2-0

Draw with 'grid' in 'ggplot2'

ggh4x — 0.2.8

Hacks for 'ggplot2'

gghalfnorm — 1.1.2

Create a Half Normal Plot Using 'ggplot2'

gghalves — 0.1.4

Compose Half-Half Plots Using Your Favourite Geoms

gghdx — 0.1.3

HDX Theme, Scales, and Other Conveniences for 'ggplot2'

ggheatmap — 2.2

Plot Heatmap

gghighlight — 0.4.1

Highlight Lines and Points in 'ggplot2'

gghilbertstrings — 0.3.3

A Fast 'ggplot2'-Based Implementation of Hilbert Curves

gghist — 0.1.0

Plot the Histogram of a Numeric Vector

ggHoriPlot — 1.0.1

Horizon Plots for 'ggplot2'

ggimage — 0.3.3

Use Image in 'ggplot2'

ggimg — 0.1.2

Graphics Layers for Plotting Image Data with 'ggplot2'

gginference — 0.1.3

Visualise the Results of Inferential Statistics using 'ggplot2'

gginnards — 0.2.0

Explore the Innards of 'ggplot2' Objects

ggip — 0.3.2

Data Visualization for IP Addresses and Networks

GGIR — 3.1-4

Raw Accelerometer Data Analysis

ggiraph — 0.8.10

Make 'ggplot2' Graphics Interactive

ggiraphExtra — 0.3.0

Make Interactive 'ggplot2'. Extension to 'ggplot2' and 'ggiraph'

GGIRread — 1.0.1

Wearable Accelerometer Data File Readers

ggisotonic — 0.1.2

'ggplot2' Friendly Isotonic or Monotonic Regression Curves

ggjoy — 0.4.1

Joyplots in 'ggplot2'

gglasso — 1.5.1

Group Lasso Penalized Learning Using a Unified BMD Algorithm

gglgbtq — 0.2.0

Show Pride on 'ggplot2' Plots

gglm — 1.0.3

Grammar of Graphics for Linear Model Diagnostic Plots

gglorenz — 0.0.2

Plotting Lorenz Curve with the Blessing of 'ggplot2'

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