Lampros Mouselimis [aut, cre]
Ryosuke Fukatani [cph] (Author of the python wrapper of the
'Regularized Greedy Forest' machine learning algorithm)
Nikita Titov [cph] (Author of the python wrapper of the 'Regularized
Greedy Forest' machine learning algorithm)
Tong Zhang [cph] (Author of the 'Regularized Greedy Forest' and of the
Multi-core implementation of Regularized Greedy Forest machine
learning algorithm)
Rie Johnson [cph] (Author of the 'Regularized Greedy Forest' machine
learning algorithm)
System requirements: Python (>= 3.7), rgf_python, scikit-learn (>=
0.18.0), scipy, numpy. Detailed installation instructions for
each operating system can be found in the README file.