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0.11.0 by Kenton White, 8 months ago
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Authors: Aleksandar Blagotic [ctb] , Diego Valle-Jones [ctb] , Jeffrey Breen [ctb] , Joakim Lundborg [ctb] , John Myles White [aut, cph] , Josh Bode [ctb] , Kenton White [ctb, cre] , Kirill Mueller [ctb] , Matteo Redaelli [ctb] , Noah Lorang [ctb] , Patrick Schalk [ctb] , Dominik Schneider [ctb] , Gerold Hepp [ctb] , Zunaira Jamil [ctb] , Glen Falk [ctb]
Documentation: PDF Manual
GPL-3 | file LICENSE license
Imports methods
Depends on digest, tibble
Suggests foreign, feather, reshape, plyr, formatR, qs, stringr, ggplot2, lubridate, log4r, DBI, RMySQL, RSQLite, gdata, RODBC, RJDBC, readxl, xlsx, tuneR, pixmap, data.table, RPostgreSQL, GetoptLong, whisker, testthat, reticulate
Suggested by ptspotter.
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