Reference manual

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0.3.6 by Matteo Sesia, 2 years ago

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Authors: Rina Foygel Barber [ctb] (Development of the original Fixed-X Knockoffs) , Emmanuel Candes [ctb] (Development of Model-X Knockoffs and original Fixed-X Knockoffs) , Lucas Janson [ctb] (Development of Model-X Knockoffs) , Evan Patterson [aut] (Earlier R package for the original Fixed-X Knockoffs) , Matteo Sesia [aut, cre] (R package for Model-X Knockoffs)

Documentation:   PDF Manual  

GPL-3 license

Imports Rdsdp, Matrix, corpcor, glmnet, RSpectra, gtools, utils

Depends on methods, stats

Suggests knitr, testthat, rmarkdown, lars, ranger, stabs, RPtests, doParallel, parallel

Imported by VIMPS, clusterMI, cpi, hdcuremodels, kko.

See at CRAN