Reference manual

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1.3-6 by Roger Bivand, 3 months ago,

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Authors: Roger Bivand [cre, aut] , Gianfranco Piras [aut] , Luc Anselin [ctb] , Andrew Bernat [ctb] , Eric Blankmeyer [ctb] , Yongwan Chun [ctb] , Virgilio Gómez-Rubio [ctb] , Daniel Griffith [ctb] , Martin Gubri [ctb] , Rein Halbersma [ctb] , James LeSage [ctb] , Angela Li [ctb] , Hongfei Li [ctb] , Jielai Ma [ctb] , Abhirup Mallik [ctb, trl] , Giovanni Millo [ctb] , Kelley Pace [ctb] , Josiah Parry [ctb] , Pedro Peres-Neto [ctb] , Tobias Rüttenauer [ctb] , Mauricio Sarrias [ctb] , JuanTomas Sayago [ctb] , Michael Tiefelsdorf [ctb]

Documentation:   PDF Manual  

GPL-2 license

Imports spdep, coda, methods, MASS, boot, splines, LearnBayes, nlme, multcomp

Depends on spData, Matrix, sf

Suggests parallel, RSpectra, tmap, foreign, spam, knitr, lmtest, expm, sandwich, rmarkdown, igraph, tinytest

Imported by FlexScan, GWmodel, HSAR, SCDA, bigDM, bispdep, pspatreg, spANOVA, sphet, spldv, splm, spqdep, spsur.

Depended on by SpatialRegimes, lagsarlmtree, spatialprobit, ssfa.

Suggested by broom, prabclus, spData, spdep.

Enhanced by MuMIn, texreg.

See at CRAN