Reference manual

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1.5.0 by Hadley Wickham, 4 months ago,,

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Authors: Jim Hester [aut] , Hadley Wickham [aut, cre] , Oliver Gjoneski [aut] , lexicalunit [cph] (nanodbc library) , Google Inc. [cph] (cctz library) , Posit Software , PBC [cph, fnd]

Documentation:   PDF Manual  

MIT + file LICENSE license

Imports bit64, blob, cli, DBI, hms, lifecycle, methods, Rcpp, rlang

Suggests covr, DBItest, knitr, magrittr, rmarkdown, RSQLite, testthat, tibble, withr

Linking to Rcpp

System requirements: GNU make, An ODBC3 driver manager and drivers.

Imported by MCOE, SangerTools, datrProfile, epidm, pgTools, shiny.telemetry, sqlHelpers, virtuoso.

Suggested by AzureCosmosR, CDMConnector, CodelistGenerator, CohortCharacteristics, CohortConstructor, CohortSymmetry, DatabaseConnector, DrugExposureDiagnostics, DrugUtilisation, IncidencePrevalence, OmopSketch, PatientProfiles, REDCapR, SCDB, dbplyr, dbx, diseasystore, dittodb, dm, implyr, nhanesA, octopus, pointblank, sf, soilDB, sqlhelper, tidywikidatar.

See at CRAN