Reference manual

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6.4.0 by Martijn Schuemie, a month ago,

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Authors: Martijn Schuemie [aut, cre] , Marc Suchard [aut] , Observational Health Data Science and Informatics [cph] , Microsoft Inc. [cph] (SQL Server JDBC driver) , PostgreSQL Global Development Group [cph] (PostgreSQL JDBC driver) , Oracle Inc. [cph] (Oracle JDBC driver) , Amazon Inc. [cph] (RedShift JDBC driver)

Documentation:   PDF Manual  

Apache License license

Imports rJava, SqlRender, methods, stringr, readr, rlang, utils, DBI, urltools, bit64, checkmate, digest, dbplyr

Suggests aws.s3, R.utils, withr, testthat, DBItest, knitr, rmarkdown, RSQLite, ssh, Andromeda, dplyr, RPostgres, odbc, duckdb, pool, ParallelLogger, AzureStor

System requirements: Java (>= 8)

Imported by OhdsiReportGenerator, OhdsiShinyAppBuilder, PatientLevelPrediction.

Depended on by Achilles, CohortAlgebra, CohortExplorer, CohortGenerator, CommonDataModel, FeatureExtraction, ResultModelManager.

Suggested by CDMConnector, Eunomia, TreatmentPatterns.

See at CRAN