Reference manual

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5.1.0 by Jeffrey B. Arnold, a year ago,

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Authors: Jeffrey B. Arnold [aut, cre] , Gergely Daroczi [ctb] , Bo Werth [ctb] , Brian Weitzner [ctb] , Joshua Kunst [ctb] , Baptise Auguie [ctb] , Bob Rudis [ctb] , Hadley Wickham [ctb] (Code from the ggplot2 package.) , Justin Talbot [ctb] (Code from the labeling package) , Joshua London [ctb]

Documentation:   PDF Manual  

GPL-2 license

Imports ggplot2, graphics, grid, lifecycle, methods, purrr, scales, stringr, tibble

Suggests dplyr, covr, extrafont, glue, knitr, lattice, lintr, maps, mapproj, pander, quantreg, rlang, rmarkdown, spelling, testthat, tidyr, vdiffr, withr

Imported by AeroSampleR, AvInertia, BGPhazard, BioM2, IRexamples, JWileymisc, MCOE, OddsPlotty, PRECAST, PSAboot, RcmdrPlugin.KMggplot2, SWMPrExtension, SangerTools, SoilManageR, UpAndDownPlots, autostats, cities, curtailment, deepredeff, dogesr, duet, edeaR, evalITR, fitbitViz, forestmangr, geouy, ggESDA, gghdx, ggplotAssist, grabsampling, heuristicsmineR, immuneSIM, ipeaplot, iwaqr, mcStats, microdiluteR, missingHE, nima, obliqueRSF, pam, patterncausality, proteus, psyntur, qPCRtools, radsafer, scRNAtools, spacejamr, spinner, talkr, tsgc, voiceR.

Depended on by Eagle, orgR.

Suggested by BetaBit, CGPfunctions, PlotFTIR, SCIBER, UnalR, ZIprop, ZVCV, audiometry, bmm, dartR.base, directlabels, ecostats, eks, esquisse, fitODBOD, fitbitScraper, geocausal, ggHoriPlot, ggTimeSeries, ggalt, ggformula, ggmcmc, ggseqplot, grainscape, grwat, harmony, hdcate, hmsidwR, iNEXT, iNEXT.3D, iNEXT.beta3D, iNZightPlots, kidsides, nzelect, ordbetareg, paletteer, pdSpecEst, plotly, public.ctn0094data, quickReg, r4ds.tutorials, restoptr, shinyPredict, stars, sugarglider, swipeR, symphony, tigris, tvgeom, vdar, waffle, weatherOz.

See at CRAN