Reference manual

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1.6.10 by Korbinian Strimmer, 4 years ago

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Authors: Juliane Schafer , Rainer Opgen-Rhein , Verena Zuber , Miika Ahdesmaki , A. Pedro Duarte Silva , and Korbinian Strimmer.

Documentation:   PDF Manual  

GPL (>= 3) license

Imports stats

Imported by AZIAD, BNrich, BinOrdNonNor, CopulaCenR, EMC2, ERP, FADA, FRB, FRCC, GDILM.ME, GGMnonreg, GWpcor, GeneScape, GhostKnockoff, HSPOR, IRCcheck, MCMCglmm, MECfda, MM4LMM, MetaHD, MetaIntegration, MultiVarMI, NetOrigin, PCGII, PCRA, REN, REndo, RMTL, RNGforGPD, S4DM, SCCS, SEMdeep, SEMgraph, SLBDD, SimTimeVar, StabilizedRegression, SuperCell, TPCselect, VARcpDetectOnline, VARshrink, WLogit, bigmds, biospear, bipartite, bootnet, boral, cape, carSurv, clustrd, corHMM, covequal, deepgmm, dnapath, facmodTS, flap, fspe, graphicalExtremes, gsDesign2, gwpcormapper, hfr, iTOP, idm, jackstraw, knockoff, leakyIV, list, lvnet, mglasso, mlVAR, modnets, multivarious, netassoc, netgsa, parma, pcalg, pcev, penalizedSVM, perARMA, phantSEM, pivmet, psychonetrics, qgg, qgraph, r4ss, ratematrix, relaimpo, rmgarch, sae.prop, seedCCA, segMGarch, semPlot, sparsediscrim, spduration, tinyVAST, ttScreening, vampyr, varTestnlme, xLLiM.

Depended on by BinNonNor, BinNor, COMBAT, EDISON, GLSME, GeneNet, Hotelling, MultiOrd, OUwie, OrdNor, PoisBinNonNor, PoisBinOrd, PoisBinOrdNonNor, PoisBinOrdNor, PoisNonNor, PoisNor, care, leapp, longitudinal, miRtest, mvMORPH, qtlhot, sda, st, whitening.

Suggested by BLCOP, GGMncv, HDShOP, NMF, PortfolioAnalytics, SAMtool, fMRIscrub, fMRItools, mvgam, picante, sharp.

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