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2.7-12 by Markus Kalisch, 6 months ago
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Authors: Markus Kalisch [aut, cre] , Alain Hauser [aut] , Martin Maechler [aut] , Diego Colombo [ctb] , Doris Entner [ctb] , Patrik Hoyer [ctb] , Antti Hyttinen [ctb] , Jonas Peters [ctb] , Nicoletta Andri [ctb] , Emilija Perkovic [ctb] , Preetam Nandy [ctb] , Philipp Ruetimann [ctb] , Daniel Stekhoven [ctb] , Manuel Schuerch [ctb] , Marco Eigenmann [ctb] , Leonard Henckel [ctb] , Joris Mooij [ctb]
Documentation: PDF Manual
GPL (>= 2) license
Imports stats, graphics, utils, methods, abind, graph, RBGL, igraph, ggm, corpcor, robustbase, vcd, Rcpp, bdsmatrix, sfsmisc, fastICA, clue
Suggests MASS, Matrix, Rgraphviz, mvtnorm, huge, ggplot2, dagitty
Linking to Rcpp, RcppArmadillo, BH
Imported by BiDAG, MRPC, NetCoupler, SID, causalDisco, clustNet, eff2, mDAG, pcgen.
Depended on by micd, qtlnet, tpc.
Suggested by CompareCausalNetworks, ParallelPC, SCCI, backShift, iTOP.
See at CRAN