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SurrogateOutcome — 1.1

Estimation of the Proportion of Treatment Effect Explained by Surrogate Outcome Information

SurrogateRank — 1.0

Rank-Based Test to Evaluate a Surrogate Marker

SurrogateRegression —

Surrogate Outcome Regression Analysis

SurrogateRsq — 0.2.1

Goodness-of-Fit Analysis for Categorical Data using the Surrogate R-Squared

SurrogateTest — 1.3

Early Testing for a Treatment Effect using Surrogate Marker Information

surrosurv — 1.1.26

Evaluation of Failure Time Surrogate Endpoints in Individual Patient Data Meta-Analyses

surrosurvROC — 0.1.0

Surrogate Survival ROC

suRtex — 0.9

LaTeX descriptive statistic reporting for survey data

surtvep — 1.0.0

Cox Non-Proportional Hazards Model with Time-Varying Coefficients

surv2sampleComp — 1.0-5

Inference for Model-Free Between-Group Parameters for Censored Survival Data

survAH — 1.0.0

Survival Data Analysis using Average Hazard

survAUC — 1.3-0

Estimators of Prediction Accuracy for Time-to-Event Data

survAWKMT2 — 1.0.1

Two-Sample Tests Based on Differences of Kaplan-Meier Curves

survBootOutliers — 1.0

Concordance Based Bootstrap Methods for Outlier Detection in Survival Analysis

survC1 — 1.0-3

C-Statistics for Risk Prediction Models with Censored Survival Data

survcompare — 0.1.2

Compares Cox and Survival Random Forests to Quantify Nonlinearity

SurvCorr — 1.1

Correlation of Bivariate Survival Times

survCurve — 1.0

Plots Survival Curves Element by Element

SurvDisc — 0.1.1

Discrete Time Survival and Longitudinal Data Analysis

surveil — 0.3.0

Time Series Models for Disease Surveillance

surveillance — 1.23.1

Temporal and Spatio-Temporal Modeling and Monitoring of Epidemic Phenomena

survELtest — 2.0.1

Comparing Multiple Survival Functions with Crossing Hazards

SurvEval — 1.1

Methods for the Evaluation of Survival Models

survex — 1.2.0

Explainable Machine Learning in Survival Analysis — 1.1

Relative Survival, AER and SMR Based on French Death Rates

survey — 4.4-2

Analysis of Complex Survey Samples

surveybootstrap — 0.0.3

Bootstrap with Survey Data

SurveyCC — 0.2.1

Canonical Correlation for Survey Data

surveyCV — 0.2.0

Cross Validation Based on Survey Design

surveydata — 0.2.7

Tools to Work with Survey Data

SurveyDefense — 0.2.0

Survey Defense Tool

surveyexplorer — 0.2.0

Quickly Explore Complex Survey Data

surveygraph — 0.1.2

Network Representations of Attitudes

surveyplanning — 4.0

Survey Planning Tools

surveyPrev — 1.0.0

Mapping the Prevalence of Binary Indicators using Survey Data in Small Areas

surveysd — 1.3.1

Survey Standard Error Estimation for Cumulated Estimates and their Differences in Complex Panel Designs

surveytable — 0.9.4

Formatted Survey Estimates

surveyvoi — 1.0.6

Survey Value of Information

survHE — 2.0.1

Survival Analysis in Health Economic Evaluation

SurvHiDim — 0.1.1

High Dimensional Survival Data Analysis

survIDINRI — 1.1-2

IDI and NRI for Comparing Competing Risk Prediction Models with Censored Survival Data

survidm — 1.3.2

Inference and Prediction in an Illness-Death Model

SurviMChd — 0.1.2

High Dimensional Survival Data Analysis with Markov Chain Monte Carlo

survival — 3.7-0

Survival Analysis

survival.svb — 0.0-2

Fit High-Dimensional Proportional Hazards Models

survivalAnalysis — 0.3.0

High-Level Interface for Survival Analysis and Associated Plots

SurvivalClusteringTree — 1.1.1

Clustering Analysis Using Survival Tree and Forest Algorithms

survivalmodels — 0.1.191

Models for Survival Analysis

survivalMPL — 0.2-3

Penalised Maximum Likelihood for Survival Analysis Models

survivalMPLdc — 0.1.1

Penalised Likelihood for Survival Analysis with Dependent Censoring

survivalPLANN — 0.1

Neural Networks to Predict Survival

survivalREC — 1.1

Nonparametric Estimation of the Distribution of Gap Times for Recurrent Events

survivalROC —

Time-Dependent ROC Curve Estimation from Censored Survival Data

survivalSL — 0.96

Super Learner for Survival Prediction from Censored Data

survivalsvm — 0.0.5

Survival Support Vector Analysis

SurvivalTests — 1.0

Survival Tests for One-Way Layout

survivalVignettes — 0.1.6

Survival Analysis Vignettes and Optional Datasets

survivoR — 2.3.4

Data from all Seasons of Survivor (US) TV Series in Tidy Format

SurvLong — 1.4

Analysis of Proportional Hazards Model with Sparse Longitudinal Covariates

SurvMA — 1.6.8

Model Averaging Prediction of Personalized Survival Probabilities

SurvMetrics — 0.5.0

Predictive Evaluation Metrics in Survival Analysis

SurvMI — 0.1.0

Multiple Imputation Method in Survival Analysis

survminer — 0.4.9

Drawing Survival Curves using 'ggplot2'

survMisc — 0.5.6

Miscellaneous Functions for Survival Data

survmixer — 1.3

Design of Clinical Trials with Survival Endpoints Based on Binary Responses

survML — 1.1.0

Flexible Estimation of Conditional Survival Functions Using Machine Learning

survobj — 3.1.1

Objects to Simulate Survival Times

survout — 0.1.0

Excel Conversion of R Surival Analysis Output

survParamSim — 0.1.6

Parametric Survival Simulation with Parameter Uncertainty

survPen — 1.6.0

Multidimensional Penalized Splines for Survival and Net Survival Models

survPresmooth — 1.1-11

Presmoothed Estimation in Survival Analysis

SurvRegCensCov — 1.7

Weibull Regression for a Right-Censored Endpoint with Interval-Censored Covariate

survRM2 — 1.0-4

Comparing Restricted Mean Survival Time

survRM2adapt — 1.1.0

Flexible and Coherent Test/Estimation Procedure Based on Restricted Mean Survival Times

survRM2perm — 0.1.0

Permutation Test for Comparing Restricted Mean Survival Time

survSAKK — 1.3.1

Create Publication Ready Kaplan-Meier Plots

survSens — 1.1.0

Sensitivity Analysis with Time-to-Event Outcomes

survsim — 1.1.8

Simulation of Simple and Complex Survival Data

survSNP — 0.26

Power Calculations for SNP Studies with Censored Outcomes

SurvSparse — 0.1

Survival Analysis with Sparse Longitudinal Covariates

survSpearman — 1.0.1

Nonparametric Spearman's Correlation for Survival Data

survstan —

Fitting Survival Regression Models via 'Stan'

SurvTrunc — 0.2.0

Analysis of Doubly Truncated Data

susieR — 0.12.35

Sum of Single Effects Linear Regression

susographql — 0.1.6

Comprehensive Interface to the Survey Solutions 'GraphQL' API

SUSY — 0.1.0

Surrogate Synchrony

sValues — 0.1.6

Measures of the Sturdiness of Regression Coefficients

svars — 1.3.11

Data-Driven Identification of SVAR Models

svd — 0.5.7

Interfaces to Various State-of-Art SVD and Eigensolvers

svDialogs — 1.1.0

'SciViews' - Standard Dialog Boxes for Windows, MacOS and Linuxes

svDialogstcltk — 1.0.0

'SciViews' - Standard Dialog Boxes using Tcl/Tk

SVDNF — 0.1.9

Discrete Nonlinear Filtering for Stochastic Volatility Models

svenssonm — 0.1.0

Svensson's Method

svglite — 2.1.3

An 'SVG' Graphics Device

svgPanZoom — 0.3.4

R 'Htmlwidget' to Add Pan and Zoom to Almost any R Graphic

svgtools — 1.1.2

Manipulate SVG (Template) Files of Charts

svGUI — 1.0.1

SciViews - Manage GUIs in R

svgViewR — 1.4.3

3D Animated Interactive Visualizations Using SVG and WebGL

svHttp — 1.0.4

'SciViews' - HTTP Server

svIDE — 0.9-54

Functions to Ease Interactions Between R and IDE or Code Editors

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