[email protected]

@phgrosjean at GitHub

SciViews - UMONS

Mons, Belgium


Packages by Philippe Grosjean

SciViews — 0.9-13.1

SciViews - Main package

mlearning — 1.2.1

Machine Learning Algorithms with Unified Interface and Confusion Matrices

pastecs — 1.4.2

Package for Analysis of Space-Time Ecological Series

svDialogs — 1.1.0

'SciViews' - Standard Dialog Boxes for Windows, MacOS and Linuxes

svDialogstcltk — 1.0.0

'SciViews' - Standard Dialog Boxes using Tcl/Tk

svGUI — 1.0.1

SciViews - Manage GUIs in R

svHttp — 1.0.4

'SciViews' - HTTP Server

svIDE — 0.9-54

Functions to Ease Interactions Between R and IDE or Code Editors

svKomodo — 1.0.0

'SciViews' - Functions to Interface with Komodo IDE

svMisc — 1.2.3

'SciViews' - Miscellaneous Functions

svSocket — 1.1.5

'SciViews' - Socket Server

svSweave — 1.0.0

'SciViews' - 'Sweave', 'Knitr' and R Markdown Companion Functions

svTools — 0.9-5

Wrappers for Tools in Other Packages for IDE Friendliness

svUnit — 1.0.6

'SciViews' - Unit, Integration and System Testing

svWidgets — 0.9-45

Management of GUI Widgets, Windows, and Other GUI Resources

tcltk2 — 1.2-11

Tcl/Tk Additions

zooimage — 5.5.2

Analysis of Numerical Plankton Images