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signalHsmm — 1.5

Predict Presence of Signal Peptides

signatureSurvival — 1.0.0

Signature Survival Analysis

signed.backbones — 0.91.5

Extract the Signed Backbones of Weighted Networks

signibox — 1.0

Statistical Significance Marks on Boxplots

SignifReg — 4.3

Consistent Significance Controlled Variable Selection in Generalized Linear Regression

signnet — 1.0.4

Methods to Analyse Signed Networks

signs — 0.1.2

Insert Proper Minus Signs

SigOptR — 0.0.1

R API Wrapper for SigOpt

sigora — 3.1.1

Signature Overrepresentation Analysis

sigQC — 0.1.24

Quality Control Metrics for Gene Signatures

sigr — 1.1.5

Succinct and Correct Statistical Summaries for Reports

SigTree — 1.10.6

Identify and Visualize Significantly Responsive Branches in a Phylogenetic Tree

SIHR — 2.1.0

Statistical Inference in High Dimensional Regression

siie — 0.4.0

Superior Identification Index and Its Extensions

siland — 3.0.2

Spatial Influence of Landscape

SILFS — 0.1.0

Subgroup Identification with Latent Factor Structure

SILGGM — 1.0.0

Statistical Inference of Large-Scale Gaussian Graphical Model in Gene Networks

silicate — 0.7.1

Common Forms for Complex Hierarchical and Relational Data Structures

SillyPutty — 0.4.1

Silly Putty Clustering

SILM — 1.0.0

Simultaneous Inference for Linear Models

silp — 1.0.0

Conditional Process Analysis (CPA) via Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) Approach

sim.BA — 0.1.0

Simulation-Based Bias Analysis for Observational Studies

Sim.DiffProc — 4.9

Simulation of Diffusion Processes

Sim.PLFN — 1.0

Simulation of Piecewise Linear Fuzzy Numbers

sim1000G — 1.40

Genotype Simulations for Rare or Common Variants Using Haplotypes from 1000 Genomes

sim2Dpredictr — 0.1.1

Simulate Outcomes Using Spatially Dependent Design Matrices

simaerep — 0.5.0

Find Clinical Trial Sites Under-Reporting Adverse Events

SimBIID — 0.2.1

Simulation-Based Inference Methods for Infectious Disease Models

simboot — 0.2-8

Simultaneous Inference for Diversity Indices

simCAT — 1.0.0

Implements Computerized Adaptive Testing Simulations

simcausal — 0.5.6

Simulating Longitudinal Data with Causal Inference Applications

simcdm — 0.1.2

Simulate Cognitive Diagnostic Model ('CDM') Data

SimComp — 3.3

Simultaneous Comparisons for Multiple Endpoints

SimCop — 0.7.0

Simulate from Arbitrary Copulae

SimCorMultRes — 1.9.0

Simulates Correlated Multinomial Responses

SimCorrMix — 0.1.1

Simulation of Correlated Data with Multiple Variable Types Including Continuous and Count Mixture Distributions

simcross — 0.6

Simulate Experimental Crosses

simctest — 2.6

Safe Implementation of Monte Carlo Tests

simDAG — 0.2.0

Simulate Data from a DAG and Associated Node Information

simdata — 0.4.0

Generate Simulated Datasets

simdd — 1.1-2

Simulation of Fisher Bingham and Related Directional Distributions

SimDesign — 2.17.1

Structure for Organizing Monte Carlo Simulation Designs

SimDissolution — 0.1.0

Modeling and Assessing Similarity of Drug Dissolutions Profiles

simdistr — 1.0.1

Assessment of Data Trial Distributions According to the Carlisle-Stouffer Method

simDNAmixtures — 1.0.1

Simulate Forensic DNA Mixtures

simecol — 0.8-14

Simulation of Ecological (and Other) Dynamic Systems

simEd — 2.0.1

Simulation Education

SimEngine — 1.4.0

A Modular Framework for Statistical Simulations in R

simer —

Data Simulation for Life Science and Breeding

simest — 0.4

Constrained Single Index Model Estimation

simET — 1.0.3

Tools for Simulation of Evapotranspiration of Field Crops and Soil Water Balance

SimEUCartelLaw — 1.0.3

Simulation of Legal Exemption System for European Cartel Law

simex — 1.8

SIMEX- And MCSIMEX-Algorithm for Measurement Error Models

simexaft —


simExam — 1.0.0

Generate Simulated Data for IRT-Enabled Exams

SIMEXBoost — 0.2.0

Boosting Method for High-Dimensional Error-Prone Data

simfam — 1.1.6

Simulate and Model Family Pedigrees with Structured Founders

simfinapi — 1.0.0

Accessing 'SimFin' Data

simfit — 0.1.0

Test Model Fit with Simulation

simFrame — 0.5.4

Simulation Framework

simglm — 0.8.9

Simulate Models Based on the Generalized Linear Model

simgof — 1.0.2

Simultaneous Goodness-of-Fits Tests

SimHaz — 0.1

Simulated Survival and Hazard Analysis for Time-Dependent Exposure

simhelpers — 0.3.0

Helper Functions for Simulation Studies

SIMICO — 0.2.0

Set-Based Inference for Multiple Interval-Censored Outcomes

simIDM — 0.1.0

Simulating Oncology Trials using an Illness-Death Model

SimilarityMeasures — 1.4

Trajectory Similarity Measures

Simile — 1.3.3

Interact with Simile Models

SimInf — 9.8.1

A Framework for Data-Driven Stochastic Disease Spread Simulations

simIReff — 1.0

Stochastic Simulation for Information Retrieval Evaluation: Effectiveness Scores

simitation — 0.0.7

Simplified Simulations

simITS — 0.1.1

Analysis via Simulation of Interrupted Time Series (ITS) Data

SimJoint — 0.3.12

Simulate Joint Distribution

simlandr — 0.3.1

Simulation-Based Landscape Construction for Dynamical Systems

SIMle — 0.1.0

Estimation and Inference for General Time Series Regression

simmer —

Discrete-Event Simulation for R

simmer.bricks — 0.2.2

Helper Methods for 'simmer' Trajectories

simmer.plot — 0.1.18

Plotting Methods for 'simmer'

simMetric — 0.1.1

Metrics (with Uncertainty) for Simulation Studies that Evaluate Statistical Methods

simml — 0.3.0

Single-Index Models with Multiple-Links

simMP — 0.17.3

Simulate Somatic Mutations in Cancer Genomes from Mutational Processes

simmr —

A Stable Isotope Mixing Model

SIMMS — 1.3.2

Subnetwork Integration for Multi-Modal Signatures

simMSM — 1.1.42

Simulation of Event Histories for Multi-State Models

SimMultiCorrData — 0.2.2

Simulation of Correlated Data with Multiple Variable Types

SimNPH — 0.5.5

Simulate Non-Proportional Hazards

simode — 1.2.2

Statistical Inference for Systems of Ordinary Differential Equations using Separable Integral-Matching

simodels — 0.2.0

Flexible Framework for Developing Spatial Interaction Models

simPH — 1.3.13

Simulate and Plot Estimates from Cox Proportional Hazards Models

simphony — 1.0.3

Simulating Large-Scale, Rhythmic Data

simplace — 5.0.13

Interface to Use the Modelling Framework 'SIMPLACE'

simplanonym — 0.1.0

Consistent Anonymisation Across Datasets


OLS, Moderated, Logistic, and Count Regressions Made Simple

simpleboot — 1.1-8

Simple Bootstrap Routines

simpleCache — 0.4.2

Simply Caching R Objects

simplecolors — 0.1.2

Access Color Names Using a Standardized Nomenclature

simpleFDR — 1.1

Simple False Discovery Rate Calculation

simplegraph — 1.0.1

Simple Graph Data Types and Basic Algorithms

simplegraphdb — 2021.03.10

A Simple Graph Database

simpleMH — 0.1.1

Simple Metropolis-Hastings MCMC Algorithm

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