All packages

· A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H · I · J · K · L · M · N · O · P · Q · R · S · T · U · V · W · X · Y · Z ·

ShapleyOutlier — 0.1.1

Multivariate Outlier Explanations using Shapley Values and Mahalanobis Distances

ShapleyValue — 0.2.0

Shapley Value Regression for Relative Importance of Attributes

shapper — 0.1.3

Wrapper of Python Library 'shap'

shapr — 0.2.2

Prediction Explanation with Dependence-Aware Shapley Values

shapviz — 0.9.5

SHAP Visualizations

shar — 2.3

Species-Habitat Associations

SharkDemography — 1.1.0

Shark Demographic Analyses Using Leslie Matrix Models

sharp — 1.4.6

Stability-enHanced Approaches using Resampling Procedures

sharpData — 1.4

Data Sharpening

SharpeR — 1.3.0

Statistical Significance of the Sharpe Ratio

sharpeRratio — 1.4.3

Moment-Free Estimation of Sharpe Ratios

sharpPen — 1.9

Penalized Data Sharpening for Local Polynomial Regression

sharpr2 —

Estimating Regulatory Scores and Identifying ATAC-STARR Data

sharpshootR — 2.3.1

A Soil Survey Toolkit

sharx — 1.0-6

Models and Data Sets for the Study of Species-Area Relationships

shattering — 1.0.7

Estimate the Shattering Coefficient for a Particular Dataset

shazam — 1.2.0

Immunoglobulin Somatic Hypermutation Analysis

SheetReader — 1.2.1

Parse xlsx Files

SHELF — 1.11.0

Tools to Support the Sheffield Elicitation Framework

ShellChron — 0.4.0

Builds Chronologies from Oxygen Isotope Profiles in Shells

shelltrace — 3.5.1

Bivalve Growth and Trace Element Accumulation Model

sherlock — 0.7.0

Graphical Displays for Structured Problem Solving and Diagnosis

SherlockHolmes — 1.0.1

Building a Concordance of Terms in a Series of Texts

shidashi — 0.1.6

A Shiny Dashboard Template System

shide — 0.2.1

Date/Time Classes Based on Jalali Calendar

ShiftConvolvePoibin — 1.0.0

Exactly Computing the Tail of the Poisson-Binomial Distribution

shiftR — 1.5

Fast Enrichment Analysis via Circular Permutations

ShiftShareSE — 1.1.0

Inference in Regressions with Shift-Share Structure

shinipsum — 0.1.1

Lorem-Ipsum-Like Helpers for Fast Shiny Prototyping

shiny — 1.9.1

Web Application Framework for R

shiny.benchmark — 0.1.1

Benchmark the Performance of 'shiny' Applications

shiny.blueprint — 0.3.0

Palantir's 'Blueprint' for 'Shiny' Apps

shiny.destroy — 0.1.0

Create Destroyable Modules in 'Shiny'

shiny.emptystate — 0.1.0

Empty State Components for 'Shiny'

shiny.exe — 0.2.0

Launch a Shiny Application without Opening R or RStudio

shiny.fluent — 0.4.0

Microsoft Fluent UI for Shiny Apps

shiny.i18n — 0.3.0

Shiny Applications Internationalization — 0.2.0

'shiny' Info

shiny.pwa — 0.2.1

Progressive Web App Support for Shiny

shiny.react — 0.4.0

Tools for Using React in Shiny

shiny.reglog — 0.5.2

Optional Login and Registration Module System for ShinyApps

shiny.router — 0.3.1

Basic Routing for Shiny Web Applications

shiny.semantic — 0.5.1

Semantic UI Support for Shiny

shiny.tailwind — 0.2.2

'TailwindCSS' for Shiny Apps

shiny.telemetry — 0.3.0

'Shiny' App Usage Telemetry

shinyAce — 0.4.2

Ace Editor Bindings for Shiny

shinyaframe — 1.0.1

'WebVR' Data Visualizations with 'RStudio Shiny' and 'Mozilla A-Frame'

shinyalert — 3.1.0

Easily Create Pretty Popup Messages (Modals) in 'Shiny'

shinyanimate — 0.4.0

Animation for 'shiny' Elements

shinyauthr — 1.0.0

'Shiny' Authentication Modules

shinybrms — 1.8.0

Graphical User Interface ('shiny' App) for 'brms'

shinybrowser — 1.0.0

Find Out Information About a User's Web Browser in 'Shiny'

shinyBS — 0.61.1

Twitter Bootstrap Components for Shiny

shinybusy — 0.3.3

Busy Indicators and Notifications for 'Shiny' Applications

shinyChakraSlider — 0.1.0

Combined Slider and Numeric Input for 'Shiny'

shinyChakraUI — 1.1.1

A Wrapper of the 'React' Library 'Chakra UI' for 'Shiny'

shinyChatR — 1.2.0

R Shiny Chat Module

shinyCohortBuilder — 0.2.1

Modular Cohort-Building Framework for Analytical Dashboards

shinyCox — 1.1.0

Create 'shiny' Applications for Cox Proportional Hazards Models

shinycssloaders — 1.1.0

Add Loading Animations to a 'shiny' Output While It's Recalculating

shinycustomloader — 0.9.0

Custom Loader for Shiny Outputs

shinyCyJS — 1.0.0

Create Interactive Network Visualizations in R and 'shiny'

shinydashboard — 0.7.2

Create Dashboards with 'Shiny'

shinydashboardPlus — 2.0.5

Add More 'AdminLTE2' Components to 'shinydashboard'

shinyDatetimePickers — 1.2.0

Some Datetime Pickers for 'Shiny'

shinydbauth —

Simple Authentification for 'shiny' Applications

shinydisconnect — 0.1.1

Show a Nice Message When a 'Shiny' App Disconnects or Errors

shinydlplot — 0.1.4

Add a Download Button to a 'shiny' Plot or 'plotly'

shinyDND — 0.1.0

Shiny Drag-n-Drop

shinydrive — 0.1.3

File Sharing Shiny Module

shinyEffects — 0.2.0

Customize Your Web Apps with Fancy Effects

shinyExprPortal — 1.2.1

A Configurable 'shiny' Portal for Sharing Analysis of Molecular Expression Data

shinyFeedback — 0.4.0

Display User Feedback in Shiny Apps

shinyFiles — 0.9.3

A Server-Side File System Viewer for Shiny

shinyfilter — 0.1.1

Use Interdependent Filters on Table Columns in Shiny Apps

shinyfullscreen — 1.1.0

Display 'HTML' Elements on Full Screen in 'Shiny' Apps

shinyGizmo — 0.4.2

Custom Components for Shiny Applications

shinyglide — 0.1.4

Glide Component for Shiny Applications

shinyGovstyle — 0.1.0

Custom Gov Style Inputs for Shiny

shinyHeatmaply — 0.2.0

Deploy 'heatmaply' using 'shiny'

shinyhelper — 0.3.2

Easily Add Markdown Help Files to 'shiny' App Elements

shinyhttr — 1.1.0

Progress Bars for Downloads in 'shiny' Apps

shinyHugePlot — 0.2.6

Efficient Plotting of Large-Sized Data

shinyInvoice — 0.0.5

Shiny App - Generate a Pdf Invoice with 'Rmarkdown'

shinyIRT — 0.1

Item Response Theory Analysis with a 'shiny' Application

ShinyItemAnalysis — 1.5.1

Test and Item Analysis via Shiny

shinyjqui — 0.4.1

'jQuery UI' Interactions and Effects for Shiny

shinyjs — 2.1.0

Easily Improve the User Experience of Your Shiny Apps in Seconds

shinyKGode — 1.0.5

An Interactive Application for ODE Parameter Inference Using Gradient Matching

shinyKnobs — 0.1.3

A Collection of Knob Inputs for 'shiny'

shinylight — 1.2

Web Interface to 'R' Functions

ShinyLink — 0.2.2

'Shiny' Based Record Linkage Tool

shinylive — 0.2.0

Run 'shiny' Applications in the Browser

shinyloadtest — 1.2.0

Load Test Shiny Applications

shinylogs — 0.2.1

Record Everything that Happens in a 'Shiny' Application

shinyLottie — 1.0.0

Seamlessly Integrate 'Lottie' Animations into 'shiny' Applications

shinyLP — 1.1.3

Bootstrap Landing Home Pages for Shiny Applications

shinymanager — 1.0.410

Authentication Management for 'Shiny' Applications

shinymaterial — 1.2.0

Implement Material Design in Shiny Applications

shinyMatrix — 0.8.0

Shiny Matrix Input Field

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