Packages by Joachim Zuckarelli

debugr — 0.0.1

Debug Tool to Watch Objects/Expressions While Running an R Script

flatxml — 0.1.1

Tools for Working with XML Files as R Dataframes

packagefinder — 0.3.5

Comfortable Search for R Packages on CRAN, Either Directly from the R Console or with an R Studio Add-in

pointr — 0.2.0

Working Comfortably with Pointers and Shortcuts to R Objects

quantification — 0.2.0

Quantification of Qualitative Survey Data

refreshr — 0.1.0

Work with Refreshable Datasets that Update their Data Automatically

shinyfilter — 0.1.1

Use Interdependent Filters on Table Columns in Shiny Apps

switchcase — 0.1.1

A Simple and Flexible Switch-Case Construct for the 'R' Language

tagr — 1.0.1

Tagging and Organizing Objects in R

typehint — 0.1.2

Auto-Check Types, Dimensions, and Values of Function Arguments

xml2relational — 0.1.1

Converting XML Documents into Relational Data Models

xmlconvert — 0.1.2

Comfortably Converting XML Documents to Dataframes and Vice Versa

xplain — 0.2.2

Providing Interactive Interpretations and Explanations of Statistical Results