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Rstg — 0.0.1

STG : Feature Selection using STochastic Gates

rstiefel — 1.0.1

Random Orthonormal Matrix Generation and Optimization on the Stiefel Manifold

RStoolbox — 1.0.0

Remote Sensing Data Analysis

rstpm2 — 1.6.5

Smooth Survival Models, Including Generalized Survival Models

rStrava — 1.3.1

Access the 'Strava' API

rstream — 1.3.7

Streams of Random Numbers

rstudio.prefs — 0.1.9

Set 'RStudio' Preferences

rstudioapi — 0.16.0

Safely Access the RStudio API

rsubgroup — 1.1

Subgroup Discovery and Analytics

rsurface — 1.1.0

Design of Rotatable Central Composite Experiments and Response Surface Analysis

Rsurrogate — 3.2

Robust Estimation of the Proportion of Treatment Effect Explained by Surrogate Marker Information

rsurv — 0.0.1

Random Generation of Survival Data

RSurveillance — 0.2.1

Design and Analysis of Disease Surveillance Activities

rsurveycto — 0.2.1

Interact with Data on 'SurveyCTO'

rsvd — 1.0.5

Randomized Singular Value Decomposition

rsvddpd — 1.0.0

Robust Singular Value Decomposition using Density Power Divergence

rsvg — 2.6.1

Render SVG Images into PDF, PNG, (Encapsulated) PostScript, or Bitmap Arrays

rswipl — 9.3.11

Embed 'SWI'-'Prolog'

Rsymphony — 0.1-33


rsyncrosim — 1.5.0

The R Interface to 'SyncroSim'

rsyntax — 0.1.4

Extract Semantic Relations from Text by Querying and Reshaping Syntax

rsyslog — 1.0.3

Interface to the 'syslog' System Logger

rt — 1.1.0

Interface to the 'Request Tracker' API

rt.test —

Robustified t-Test

rt3 — 0.1.2

Tic-Tac-Toe Package for R

rTableICC — 1.0.9

Random Generation of Contingency Tables

rtables — 0.6.10

Reporting Tables

Rtapas — 1.2

Random Tanglegram Partitions

rtape — 2.2

Manage and manipulate large collections of R objects stored as tape-like files

Rtauchen — 1.0

Discretization of AR(1) Processes

RTaxometrics — 3.2.1

Taxometric Analysis

RTCC — 0.1.1

Detecting Trait Clustering in Environmental Gradients

rTCRBCRr — 0.1.1

Repertoire Analysis of the Detected Clonotype

RTD — 0.4.1

Simple TD API Client

RTDE — 0.2-1

Robust Tail Dependence Estimation

rtdists — 0.11-5

Response Time Distributions

rtematres — 0.2

The rtematres API package

rtemps — 0.8.0

R Templates for Reproducible Data Analyses

rTensor — 1.4.8

Tools for Tensor Analysis and Decomposition

rTensor2 — 2.0.0

MultiLinear Algebra

rTephra — 0.1

Tephra Transport Modeling

rtern — 0.1.2

A Ternary Conditional Operator for R

RTextTools — 1.4.3

Automatic Text Classification via Supervised Learning

rtf — 0.4-14.1

Rich Text Format (RTF) Output

RTFA — 0.1.0

Robust Factor Analysis for Tensor Time Series

rTG — 1.0.3

Methods to Analyse Seasonal Radial Tree Growth Data

rtgstat — 0.3.2

Client for 'TGStat API'

Rthingsboard — 0.2.7

'ThingsBoard' API

rticles — 0.27

Article Formats for R Markdown

rticulate — 1.7.3

Ultrasound Tongue Imaging

rtiddlywiki — 0.1.0

R Interface for 'TiddlyWiki'

rtide — 0.0.10

Tide Heights

rties — 5.0.0

Modeling Interpersonal Dynamics

RTIGER — 2.1.0

HMM-Based Model for Genotyping and Cross-Over Identification

rtika — 2.7.0

R Interface to 'Apache Tika'

rtip — 1.1.1

Inequality, Welfare and Poverty Indices and Curves using the EU-SILC Data

rtist — 1.0.0

A Color Palette Generator

rtk —

Rarefaction Tool Kit

rtkore — 1.6.12

'STK++' Core Library Integration to 'R' using 'Rcpp'

RTL — 1.3.5

Risk Tool Library - Trading, Risk, 'Analytics' for Commodities

RTLknitr — 1.0.0

Right to Left Dynamic Documents Using 'knitr'

rtlr — 0.1.0

Print Right-to-Left Languages Correctly

rTLsDeep — 0.0.5

Post-Hurricane Damage Severity Classification from TLS and AI

RTMB — 1.6

'R' Bindings for 'TMB'

rtmpt — 2.0-1

Fitting (Exponential/Diffusion) RT-MPT Models

rtms — 0.2.0

R Toolkit for Mass Spectrometry

Rtnmin — 2016-7.7

Truncated Newton Function Minimization with Bounds Constraints

rtodoist — 0.1.0

Create and Manage Todolist using '' API

rtoot — 0.3.4

Collecting and Analyzing Mastodon Data

rtop — 0.6-9

Interpolation of Data with Variable Spatial Support

rTorch — 0.4.2

R Bindings to 'PyTorch'

rTPC — 1.0.4

Fitting and Analysing Thermal Performance Curves

rtpcr — 2.0.0

qPCR Data Analysis

Rtrack — 2.0.3

Spatial Navigation Strategy Analysis

RTransferEntropy — 0.2.21

Measuring Information Flow Between Time Series with Shannon and Renyi Transfer Entropy

rtrek — 0.5.1

Data Analysis Relating to Star Trek

rtrend — 0.1.5

Trend Estimating Tools

rtrends — 0.1.0

Analyze Download Logs from the CRAN RStudio Mirror

RTriangle — 1.6-0.14

Triangle - A 2D Quality Mesh Generator and Delaunay Triangulator

rtrim — 2.3.0

Trends and Indices for Monitoring Data

rTRIPLEXCWFlux — 0.2.0

Carbon-Water Coupled Model

rTRNG — 4.23.1-2

Advanced and Parallel Random Number Generation via 'TRNG'

Rtropical — 1.2.1

Data Analysis Tools over Space of Phylogenetic Trees Using Tropical Geometry

rtry — 1.1.0

Preprocessing Plant Trait Data

rts — 1.1-14

Raster Time Series Analysis

rts2 — 0.7.6

Real-Time Disease Surveillance

RTSA — 0.2.2

'Trial Sequential Analysis' for Error Control and Inference in Sequential Meta-Analyses

rtsdata — 0.1.4

R Time Series Intelligent Data Storage

RtsEva — 1.0.0

Performs the Transformed-Stationary Extreme Values Analysis

Rtsne — 0.17

T-Distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding using a Barnes-Hut Implementation

rtson — 1.3

Typed JSON

rtsplot — 0.1.5

Time Series Plot

Rttf2pt1 — 1.3.12

'ttf2pt1' Program

RTTWebClient — 0.1.3

Web Client to 'TickTrader'

Rtumblr — 0.1.0

Collecting and Analyzing 'Tumblr' Data

Rtwalk — 1.8.0

The R Implementation of the 't-walk' MCMC Algorithm

rtweet — 2.0.0

Collecting Twitter Data

rTwig — 1.1.0

Realistic Quantitative Structure Models

Rtwobitlib — 0.3.6

'2bit' 'C' Library

rtype — 0.1-1

A strong type system for R

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