Reference manual

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9.3.12 by Matthias Gondan, 7 days ago

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Authors: Matthias Gondan [aut, com, cre] (University of Innsbruck) , Jan Wielemaker [ctb, cph] (JW is the lead developer of SWI-Prolog. See for a list of contributors.) , European Commission [fnd] (Erasmus+ Programme , 2019-1-EE01-KA203-051708)

Documentation:   PDF Manual  

FreeBSD license

Imports Rcpp

Suggests testthat

Linking to Rcpp

System requirements: GNU make, CMake (>= 3.10), pandoc, libarchive, libregex, libexpat, liblzma, libzstd, liblz4, libz2, libz, libbcrypt

Suggested by rolog.

See at CRAN