Reference manual

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1.6.5 by Mark Clements, 2 months ago

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Authors: Mark Clements [aut, cre] , Xing-Rong Liu [aut] , Benjamin Christoffersen [aut] , Paul Lambert [ctb] , Lasse Hjort Jakobsen [ctb] , Alessandro Gasparini [ctb] , Gordon Smyth [cph] , Patrick Alken [cph] , Simon Wood [cph] , Rhys Ulerich [cph]

Documentation:   PDF Manual  

GPL-2 | GPL-3 license

Imports graphics, Rcpp, stats, mgcv, bbmle, fastGHQuad, utils, parallel, mvtnorm

Depends on methods, survival, splines

Suggests eha, testthat, ggplot2, lattice, readstata13, mstate, scales, survPen, flexsurv, timereg, deSolve

Linking to Rcpp, RcppArmadillo, BH

Imported by EventPredInCure, JointFPM, TukeyGH77, afthd, eventPred, flexsurv.

Depended on by cuRe.

Suggested by biostat3, marginaleffects, mexhaz, multinma, rsimsum, simsurv.

See at CRAN