All packages

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ROOPSD — 0.3.9

R Object Oriented Programming for Statistical Distribution

roots — 1.0

Reconstructing Ordered Ontogenic Trajectories

RootsExtremaInflections — 1.2.1

Finds Roots, Extrema and Inflection Points of a Curve

rootSolve —

Nonlinear Root Finding, Equilibrium and Steady-State Analysis of Ordinary Differential Equations

rope — 1.0

Model Selection with FDR Control of Selected Variables

ropenblas — 0.3.0

Download, Compile and Link 'OpenBLAS' Library with R

ROpenCVLite — 4.90.2

Helper Package for Installing OpenCV with R

ropendata — 0.1.0

Query and Download 'Rapid7' 'Cybersecurity' Data Sets

ROpenDota — 0.1.2

Access OpenDota Services in R

ROpenFIGI — 0.2.8

R Interface to OpenFIGI

ropenmeteo — 0.1

Wrappers for 'Open-Meteo' API

ropensecretsapi — 1.0.1

R Package for the API

ROpenWeatherMap — 1.1

R Interface to OpenWeatherMap API

roperators — 1.3.14

Additional Operators to Help you Write Cleaner R Code

ropercenter — 0.3.2

Reproducible Data Retrieval from the Roper Center Data Archive

Ropj — 0.3-5

Import Origin(R) Project Files

ROptEst — 1.3.4

Optimally Robust Estimation

roptim — 0.1.6

General Purpose Optimization in R using C++

ROptimus — 3.0.0

A Parallel General-Purpose Adaptive Optimisation Engine

roptions — 1.0.3

Option Strategies and Valuation

ROptSpace — 0.2.3

Matrix Reconstruction from a Few Entries

ROracle — 1.3-1.1

OCI Based Oracle Database Interface for R

rorcid — 0.7.0

Interface to the '' API

rorqual.morpho — 0.1.1

Morphological Allometry of Rorquals

ROSE — 0.0-4

Random Over-Sampling Examples

Rosenbrock — 0.1.0

Extended Rosenbrock-Type Densities for Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) Sampler Benchmarking

rosetta — 0.3.12

Parallel Use of Statistical Packages in Teaching

rosetteApi — 1.14.4

'Rosette' API

rosm — 0.3.0

Plot Raster Map Tiles from Open Street Map and Other Sources

rosmium — 0.1.0

Bindings for 'Osmium Tool'

rospca — 1.1.0

Robust Sparse PCA using the ROSPCA Algorithm

rosv — 0.5.1

Client to Access and Operate on the 'Open Source Vulnerability' API

rotasym — 1.1.5

Tests for Rotational Symmetry on the Hypersphere

rotationForest — 0.1.3

Fit and Deploy Rotation Forest Models

rotations — 1.6.5

Working with Rotation Data

rotatogram — 0.1.3

A Non-Axis-Dominant Association Plotting Tool

rotl — 3.1.0

Interface to the 'Open Tree of Life' API

rotor — 0.3.7

Log Rotation and Conditional Backups

roughnet — 1.0.1

Visualize Networks using 'roughjs'

RoughSets — 1.3-8

Data Analysis Using Rough Set and Fuzzy Rough Set Theories

roughsf — 1.0.0

Visualize Spatial Data using 'roughjs'

round — 0.21-0.2

Rounding to Decimal Digits

RoundAndRound — 0.0.1

Plot Objects Moving in Orbits

roundhouse — 0.0.2

Random Chuck Norris Facts

roundyh — 0.1.0

Round Dataframe

Routliers —

Robust Outliers Detection

routr — 0.4.1

A Simple Router for HTTP and WebSocket Requests

roxut — 0.4.0

Document Unit Tests Roxygen-Style

roxygen2 — 7.3.2

In-Line Documentation for R

roxygen2md — 1.0.1

'Roxygen' to 'Markdown'

roxyglobals — 1.0.0

'Roxygen2' Global Variable Declarations

roxylint — 0.1.0

Lint 'roxygen2'-Generated Documentation

roxytest — 0.0.2

Various Tests with 'roxygen2'

roxytypes — 0.1.1

Typed Parameter Tags for Integration with 'roxygen2'

rPACI — 0.2.2

Placido Analysis of Corneal Irregularity

rPackedBar — 0.2.2

Packed Bar Charts with 'plotly'

rpact — 4.0.0

Confirmatory Adaptive Clinical Trial Design and Analysis

Rpadrino — 0.0.5

Interact with the 'PADRINO' IPM Database

rPAex — 1.0.5

Automatic Detection of Experimental Unit in Precision Agriculture

rpaleoclim — 1.0.1

Download Paleoclimate Data from 'PaleoClim'

RPANDA — 2.3

Phylogenetic ANalyses of DiversificAtion

rpanel — 1.1-5.2

Simple Interactive Controls for R using the 'tcltk' Package

rPanglaoDB — 0.2.1

Download and Merge Single-Cell RNA-Seq Data from the PanglaoDB Database

rpart — 4.1.23

Recursive Partitioning and Regression Trees

rpart.LAD — 0.1.3

Least Absolute Deviation Regression Trees

rpart.plot — 3.1.2

Plot 'rpart' Models: An Enhanced Version of 'plot.rpart'

rpartScore — 1.0-2

Classification Trees for Ordinal Responses

rPBK — 0.2.4

Inference and Prediction of Generic Physiologically-Based Kinetic Models

rpca — 0.2.3

RobustPCA: Decompose a Matrix into Low-Rank and Sparse Components

Rpdb — 2.3.4

Read, Write, Visualize and Manipulate PDB Files

rPDBapi — 2.1

A Comprehensive Interface for Accessing the Protein Data Bank

RPDTest — 0.0.2

A New Type of Test Statistic and Method for Multinomial Goodness-of-Fit Test

RpeakChrom — 1.1.0

Tools for Chromatographic Column Characterization and Modelling Chromatographic Peak

RPEGLMEN — 1.1.2

Gamma and Exponential Generalized Linear Models with Elastic Net Penalty

RPEIF — 1.2.4

Computation and Plots of Influence Functions for Risk and Performance Measures

RPEnsemble — 0.5

Random Projection Ensemble Classification

RPESE — 1.2.5

Estimates of Standard Errors for Risk and Performance Measures


Reduced Piecewise Exponential Estimate/Test Software

rpf — 1.0.14

Response Probability Functions

RPhosFate — 1.0.4

Soil and Chemical Substance Emission and Transport Model

Rphylopars — 0.3.10

Phylogenetic Comparative Tools for Missing Data and Within-Species Variation

rphylopic — 1.5.0

Get Silhouettes of Organisms from PhyloPic

rpinterest — 0.3.1

Access Pinterest API

rpivotTable — 0.3.0

Build Powerful Pivot Tables and Dynamically Slice & Dice your Data

rplanes — 0.1.0

Plausibility Analysis of Epidemiological Signals

rplotengine — 1.0-9

R as a Plotting Engine

rpls — 0.6.0

Robust Partial Least Squares

rplum — 0.5.0

Bayesian Age-Depth Modelling of Cores Dated by Pb-210

rpm — 0.7-3

Modeling of Revealed Preferences Matchings

RPMG — 2.2-7

Graphical User Interface (GUI) for Interactive R Analysis Sessions

RPMM — 1.25

Recursively Partitioned Mixture Model

rpmodel — 1.2.3


rpms — 0.5.1

Recursive Partitioning for Modeling Survey Data

rpnf — 1.0.5

Point and Figure Package

Rpoet — 1.1.0

'PoetryDB' API Wrapper

RPointCloud — 0.8.0

Visualizing Topological Loops and Voids

Rpolyhedra — 0.5.4

Polyhedra Database

Rpoppler — 0.1-3

PDF Tools Based on Poppler

rportfolio — 0.0.3

Portfolio Theory

rpostgis — 1.5.1

R Interface to a 'PostGIS' Database

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