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Authors: Karline Soetaert [aut, cre] , Alan C. Hindmarsh [ctb] (files lsodes.f , sparse.f) , S.C. Eisenstat [ctb] (file sparse.f) , Cleve Moler [ctb] (file dlinpk.f) , Jack Dongarra [ctb] (file dlinpk.f) , Youcef Saad [ctb] (file dsparsk.f)
Documentation: PDF Manual
GPL (>= 2) license
Imports stats, graphics, grDevices
Imported by AHSurv, BayesCR, BivUnifBin, CJIVE, CoTiMA, CompAREdesign, CureDepCens, DImodels, DepCens, Exact, FPDclustering, FuzzyClass, GWASbyCluster, HazardDiff, LLSR, MRTAnalysis, MedianaDesigner, NovelDistns, OPTtesting, PASSED, PROreg, RMT4DS, Recon, StMoMo, TempStable, addhazard, bartcs, bdsm, bets.covid19, cemco, clordr, condGEE, conf, crt2power, dMod, deBif, dreamer, eggCounts, equivalenceTest, fbati, fitlandr, frailtypack, geeCRT, geex, generalRSS, ghypernet, givitiR, godley, iZID, loewesadditivity, ludic, mdpeer, mhazard, mixSSG, multimode, munsellinterpol, pbatR, qgcomp, reReg, ridgetorus, rodd, sdprisk, sfcr, skyscapeR, snfa, soilfoodwebs, ssMRCD, temperatureresponse, trawl.
Depended on by AdvBinomApps, FME, GSED, NORMA, PriorGen, ProbYX, ReacTran, ecolMod, emplikAUC, kmc, prop.comb.RR, rtip, sephora, weightedCL, weightedScores.
Suggested by WeightIt, assocInd, cSEM, colorSpec, epimdr, epimdr2, island, rodeo.
See at CRAN