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PoA — 1.2.1

Finds the Price of Anarchy for Routing Games

pocketapi — 0.1

Wrapper Around the 'Pocket' API

POCRE — 0.6.0

Penalized Orthogonal-Components Regression

pocrm — 0.13

Dose Finding in Drug Combination Phase I Trials Using PO-CRM

POD — 1.2.0

Probability of Detection for Qualitative PCR Methods

PoDBAY — 1.4.3

Vaccine Efficacy Estimation Package

podcleaner — 0.1.2

Legacy Scottish Post Office Directories Cleaner

poems — 1.3.1

Pattern-Oriented Ensemble Modeling System

POET — 2.0

Principal Orthogonal ComplEment Thresholding (POET) Method

pogit — 1.3.0

Bayesian Variable Selection for a Poisson-Logistic Model

PogromcyDanych — 1.7.1

DataCrunchers (PogromcyDanych) is the Massive Online Open Course that Brings R and Statistics to the People

poibin — 1.6

The Poisson Binomial Distribution

PoiClaClu —

Classification and Clustering of Sequencing Data Based on a Poisson Model

poilog — 0.4.2

Poisson Lognormal and Bivariate Poisson Lognormal Distribution

POINT — 1.3

Protein Structure Guided Local Test

pointblank — 0.12.1

Data Validation and Organization of Metadata for Local and Remote Tables

pointdensityP — 0.3.5

Point Density for Geospatial Data

PointedSDMs — 2.1.2

Fit Models Derived from Point Processes to Species Distributions using 'inlabru'

PointFore — 0.2.0

Interpretation of Point Forecasts as State-Dependent Quantiles and Expectiles

pointr — 0.2.0

Working Comfortably with Pointers and Shortcuts to R Objects

pointRes — 2.0.2

Analyzing Pointer Years and Components of Resilience

PoisBinNonNor — 1.3.3

Data Generation with Poisson, Binary and Continuous Components

poisbinom — 1.0.1

A Faster Implementation of the Poisson-Binomial Distribution

PoisBinOrd — 1.4.3

Data Generation with Poisson, Binary and Ordinal Components

PoisBinOrdNonNor — 1.5.3

Generation of Up to Four Different Types of Variables

PoisBinOrdNor — 1.6.3

Data Generation with Poisson, Binary, Ordinal and Normal Components

poisDoubleSamp — 1.1.1

Confidence Intervals with Poisson Double Sampling

poisFErobust — 2.0.0

Poisson Fixed Effects Robust

poismf — 0.4.0-4

Factorization of Sparse Counts Matrices Through Poisson Likelihood

PoisNonNor — 1.6.3

Simultaneous Generation of Count and Continuous Data

PoisNor — 1.3.3

Simultaneous Generation of Multivariate Data with Poisson and Normal Marginals

poisson.glm.mix — 1.4

Fit High Dimensional Mixtures of Poisson GLMs

PoissonBinomial — 1.2.7

Efficient Computation of Ordinary and Generalized Poisson Binomial Distributions

PoissonMultinomial — 1.1

The Poisson-Multinomial Distribution

PoissonPCA — 1.0.3

Poisson-Noise Corrected PCA

poissonreg — 1.0.1

Model Wrappers for Poisson Regression

poistweedie — 1.0.2

Poisson-Tweedie Exponential Family Models

pokemon — 0.1.3

Pokemon Data in English and Brazilian Portuguese

PolarCAP — 1.0.1

Access the Polarization in Comparative Attitudes Project

polaroid — 0.1.0

Create Hex Stickers with 'shiny'

poLCA —

Polytomous Variable Latent Class Analysis

poldis — 0.1.2

Analyse Political Texts

PolicyPortfolios — 0.3

Tools for Managing, Measuring and Visualizing Policy Portfolios

policytree — 1.2.3

Policy Learning via Doubly Robust Empirical Welfare Maximization over Trees

polimetrics —

R Tools for Political Measures

poliscidata — 2.3.0

Datasets and Functions Featured in Pollock and Edwards, an R Companion to Essentials of Political Analysis, Second Edition

polished — 0.8.1

Authentication and Hosting for 'shiny' Apps

polite — 0.1.3

Be Nice on the Web

politeness — 0.9.3

Detecting Politeness Features in Text

politicsR — 0.1.0

Calculating Political System Metrics

polle — 1.5

Policy Learning

pollen — 0.82.0

Analysis of Aerobiological Data

pollimetry — 1.0.1

Estimate Pollinator Body Size and Co-Varying Ecological Traits

pollster — 0.1.6

Calculate Crosstab and Topline Tables of Weighted Survey Data

polmineR — 0.8.9

Verbs and Nouns for Corpus Analysis

polspline — 1.1.25

Polynomial Spline Routines

polyaAeppli — 2.0.2

Implementation of the Polya-Aeppli Distribution

polyapost — 1.7-1

Simulating from the Polya Posterior

Polychrome — 1.5.1

Qualitative Palettes with Many Colors

polyclip — 1.10-7

Polygon Clipping

polycor — 0.8-1

Polychoric and Polyserial Correlations

PolycrossDesigns — 1.1.0

Polycross Designs ("PolycrossDesigns")

polyCub — 0.9.1

Cubature over Polygonal Domains

polyglotr — 1.5.2

Translate Text

PolyHaplotyper — 1.0.1

Assignment of Haplotypes Based on SNP Dosages in Diploids and Polyploids

polyhedralCubature — 1.1.0

Multiple Integration over Convex Polyhedra

polylabelr — 0.2.0

Find the Pole of Inaccessibility (Visual Center) of a Polygon

polymapR — 1.1.6

Linkage Analysis in Outcrossing Polyploids

polyMatrix — 0.9.16

Infrastructure for Manipulation Polynomial Matrices

polynom — 1.4-1

A Collection of Functions to Implement a Class for Univariate Polynomial Manipulations

PolynomF — 2.0-8

Polynomials in R

PolyPatEx — 0.9.2

Paternity Exclusion in Autopolyploid Species

polypharmacy — 1.0.0

Calculate Several Polypharmacy Indicators

polypoly — 0.0.3

Helper Functions for Orthogonal Polynomials

polyqtlR — 0.1.1

QTL Analysis in Autopolyploid Bi-Parental F1 Populations

polyRAD — 2.0.0

Genotype Calling with Uncertainty from Sequencing Data in Polyploids and Diploids

polyreg — 0.8.0

Polynomial Regression

polysat — 1.7-7

Tools for Polyploid Microsatellite Analysis

polySegratio — 0.2-5

Simulate and Test Marker Dosage for Dominant Markers in Autopolyploids

polySegratioMM — 0.6-4

Bayesian Mixture Models for Marker Dosage in Autopolyploids

PolyTree — 0.0.1

Estimate Causal Polytree from Data

PolyTrend — 1.2

Trend Classification Algorithm

polywog — 0.4-1

Bootstrapped Basis Regression with Oracle Model Selection

POMADE — 0.2.0

Power for Meta-Analysis of Dependent Effects

POMaSPU — 1.0.0

Adaptive Association Tests for Multiple Phenotypes using Proportional Odds Model (POM-aSPU)

pomcheckr — 0.1.1

Graphical Check for Proportional Odds Assumption

pomdp — 1.2.3

Infrastructure for Partially Observable Markov Decision Processes (POMDP)

pomdpSolve — 1.0.4

Interface to 'pomdp-solve' for Partially Observable Markov Decision Processes

Pomic — 1.0.4

Pattern Oriented Modelling Information Criterion

pomodoro — 3.8.0

Predictive Power of Linear and Tree Modeling

pomp — 5.11

Statistical Inference for Partially Observed Markov Processes

pompom — 0.2.1

Person-Oriented Method and Perturbation on the Model

pompp — 0.1.3

Presence-Only for Marked Point Process

POMS — 1.0.1

Phylogenetic Organization of Metagenomic Signals

pooh — 0.3-2

Partial Orders and Relations

pool — 1.0.4

Object Pooling

poolABC — 1.0.0

Approximate Bayesian Computation with Pooled Sequencing Data

PoolBal — 0.1-0

Balancing Central and Marginal Rejection of Pooled p-Values

PoolDilutionR — 1.0.0

Calculate Gross Biogeochemical Flux Rates from Isotope Pool Dilution Data

PooledCohort — 0.0.2

Predicted Risk for CVD using Pooled Cohort Equations, PREVENT Equations, and Other Contemporary CVD Risk Calculators

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