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limorhyde2 — 0.1.0

Quantify Rhythmicity and Differential Rhythmicity in Genomic Data

limSolve —

Solving Linear Inverse Models

lin.eval — 0.1.2

Perform Polynomial Evaluation of Linearity

linbin — 0.1.3

Binning and Plotting of Linearly Referenced Data

LinCal — 1.0.1

Static Univariate Frequentist and Bayesian Linear Calibration

lincom — 1.2

Linear Biomarker Combination: Empirical Performance Optimization

linconGaussR — 0.1

Sampling Multivariate Normal Distribution under Linear Constraints

LindenmayeR — 0.1.13

Functions to Explore L-Systems (Lindenmayer Systems)

lindia — 0.10

Automated Linear Regression Diagnostic

LindleyPowerSeries — 1.0.1

Lindley Power Series Distribution

linearModel — 1.0.2

Linear Model Functions

LinearRegressionMDE — 1.0

Minimum Distance Estimation in Linear Regression Model

lineartestr — 1.0.0

Linear Specification Testing

linelist — 1.1.4

Tagging and Validating Epidemiological Data

linelistBayes — 1.0

Bayesian Analysis of Epidemic Data Using Line List and Case Count Approaches

linemap — 0.3.0

Line Maps

linERR — 1.0

Linear Excess Relative Risk Model

lineup — 0.44

Lining Up Two Sets of Measurements

lineup2 — 0.6

Lining Up Two Sets of Measurements

lineupjs — 4.6.0

'HTMLWidget' Wrapper of 'LineUp' for Visual Analysis of Multi-Attribute Rankings

lingdist — 1.0

Fast Linguistic Distance and Alignment Computation

lingglosses — 0.0.8

Interlinear Glossed Linguistic Examples and Abbreviation Lists Generation

lingmatch — 1.0.7

Linguistic Matching and Accommodation

lingtypology — 1.1.19

Linguistic Typology and Mapping

linguisticsdown — 1.2.0

Easy Linguistics Document Writing with R Markdown

link — 2024.4.0

Hyperlink Automatic Detection

link2GI — 0.6-1

Linking Geographic Information Systems, Remote Sensing and Other Command Line Tools

Linkage — 0.9

Clustering Communication Networks Using the Stochastic Topic Block Model Through

LinkageMapView — 2.1.2

Plot Linkage Group Maps with Quantitative Trait Loci

linkcomm — 1.0-14

Tools for Generating, Visualizing, and Analysing Link Communities in Networks

LinkedGASP — 1.0

Linked Emulator of a Coupled System of Simulators

linkedInadsR — 0.1.0

Access to 'LinkedIn' Ads via the '' API

LinkedMatrix — 1.4.0

Column-Linked and Row-Linked Matrices

linkprediction — 1.0-0

Link Prediction Methods

linkspotter — 1.3.0

Bivariate Correlations Calculation and Visualization

linl — 0.0.5

'linl' is not 'Letter'

linne — 0.0.2

Convenient 'CSS'

linpk — 1.1.2

Generate Concentration-Time Profiles from Linear PK Systems

linprog — 0.9-4

Linear Programming / Optimization

LinRegInteractive — 0.3-3

Interactive Interpretation of Linear Regression Models

LINselect — 1.1.5

Selection of Linear Estimators

lintools — 0.1.7

Manipulation of Linear Systems of (in)Equalities

lintr — 3.1.2

A 'Linter' for R Code

lipidmapsR — 1.0.4

Lipid Maps Rest Service

LipidMS — 3.0.5

Lipid Annotation for LC-MS/MS DDA or DIA Data

lipidomeR — 0.1.2

Integrative Visualizations of the Lipidome

LipidomicsR — 0.3.6

Elegant Tools for Processing and Visualization of Lipidomics Data

LipinskiFilters — 1.0.1

Computes and Visualize Lipinski's Parameters

liqueueR — 0.0.1

Implements Queue, PriorityQueue and Stack Classes

lira — 2.0.1

LInear Regression in Astronomy

lisa — 0.1.2

Color Palettes from Color Lisa

lisrelToR — 0.3

Import Output from LISREL into R

list — 9.2.6

Statistical Methods for the Item Count Technique and List Experiment

listArray — 0.1.1

Incomplete Array with Arbitrary R Objects as Indices

listarrays — 0.4.0

A Toolbox for Working with R Arrays in a Functional Programming Style

listcomp — 0.4.1

List Comprehensions

listcompr — 0.4.0

List Comprehension for R

listdown — 0.5.7

Create R Markdown from Lists

listenv — 0.9.1

Environments Behaving (Almost) as Lists

LIStest — 2.1

Tests of independence based on the Longest Increasing Subsequence

listr — 0.1.0

Tools for Lists

listviewer — 4.0.0

'htmlwidget' for Interactive Views of R Lists

listWithDefaults — 1.2.0

List with Defaults

lit — 1.0.0

Latent Interaction Testing for Genome-Wide Studies

lite — 1.1.1

Likelihood-Based Inference for Time Series Extremes

litedown — 0.2

A Lightweight Version of R Markdown

liteq — 1.1.0

Lightweight Portable Message Queue Using 'SQLite'

literanger — 0.1.1

Random Forests for Multiple Imputation Based on 'ranger'

litRiddle — 1.0.0

Dataset and Tools to Research the Riddle of Literary Quality

litteR — 1.0.0

Litter Analysis

litterfitter — 0.1.3

Fit a Collection of Curves to Single Cohort Decomposition Data

littler — 0.3.20

R at the Command-Line via 'r'

liureg — 1.1.2

Liu Regression with Liu Biasing Parameters and Statistics

live — 1.5.13

Local Interpretable (Model-Agnostic) Visual Explanations

liver — 1.16

"Eating the Liver of Data Science"

ljr — 1.4-0

Logistic Joinpoint Regression

LKT — 1.7.0

Logistic Knowledge Tracing

llama — 0.10.1

Leveraging Learning to Automatically Manage Algorithms

llbayesireg — 1.0.0

The L-Logistic Bayesian Regression

LLM — 1.1.0

Logit Leaf Model Classifier for Binary Classification

llogistic — 1.0.3

The L-Logistic Distribution


Data Analysis of Liquid-Liquid Systems using R

lm.beta — 1.7-2

Add Standardized Regression Coefficients to Linear-Model-Objects — 2.9.7

Linear Model with Breakpoint

lmap — 0.1.2

Logistic Mapping

lmboot — 0.0.1

Bootstrap in Linear Models

LMD — 1.0.0

A Self-Adaptive Approach for Demodulating Multi-Component Signal

lmDiallel — 1.0.1

Linear Fixed/Mixed Effects Models for Diallel Crosses

lmds — 0.1.0

Landmark Multi-Dimensional Scaling

lme4 — 1.1-35.5

Linear Mixed-Effects Models using 'Eigen' and S4

lme4breeding — 1.0.31

Relationship-Based Mixed-Effects Models

lmeInfo — 0.3.2

Information Matrices for 'lmeStruct' and 'glsStruct' Objects

LMERConvenienceFunctions — 3.0

Model Selection and Post-Hoc Analysis for (G)LMER Models

lmeresampler — 0.2.4

Bootstrap Methods for Nested Linear Mixed-Effects Models

lmerPerm — 0.1.9

Perform Permutation Test on General Linear and Mixed Linear Regression

lmerTest — 3.1-3

Tests in Linear Mixed Effects Models

lmeSplines — 1.1-12

Add Smoothing Spline Modelling Capability to `nlme`

LMest — 3.2.2

Generalized Latent Markov Models

lmf — 1.2.1

Functions for Estimation and Inference of Selection in Age-Structured Populations

LMfilteR —

Filter Methods for Parameter Estimation in Linear and Non Linear Regression Models

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