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install.packages("gplots") by Tal Galili, 7 months ago

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Authors: Gregory R. Warnes [aut] , Ben Bolker [aut] , Lodewijk Bonebakker [aut] , Robert Gentleman [aut] , Wolfgang Huber [aut] , Andy Liaw [aut] , Thomas Lumley [aut] , Martin Maechler [aut] , Arni Magnusson [aut] , Steffen Moeller [aut] , Marc Schwartz [aut] , Bill Venables [aut] , Tal Galili [ctb, cre]

Documentation:   PDF Manual  

GPL-2 license

Imports gtools, stats, caTools, KernSmooth, methods

Suggests grid, MASS, knitr, r2d2

Imported by BAMMtools, BSPBSS, CJIVE, CoFRA, CoNI, DNMF, DPBBM, FAMetA, FLLat, HMP, KSEAapp, LSDirf, MLZ, MetProc, MetaIntegrator, MicrobiomeSurv, MigConnectivity, MultBiplotR, MultiGroupO, NCA, Patterns, RAMClustR, RCDT, ROCR, RPPanalyzer, RcmdrPlugin.BiclustGUI, RobMixReg, SAMtool, TIMP, TopKLists, asymmetry, bingat, boundingbox, colordistance, corto,, crmReg, crqa, fDMA, fst4pg, fusedMGM, graphsim, indirect, ionr, metaGE, mmabig, multiUS, plotMCMC, polimetrics, poliscidata, r.jive, rSRD, rdi, serieslcb, sesem, shinyMobile, sigQC, signatureSurvival, tmod, vannstats, washeR, wilson.

Depended on by BayesianMediationA, DandEFA, DensParcorr, MDplot, MOQA, MetabolAnalyze, PRISMA, RCA, SCINA, bayess, cellVolumeDist, corkscrew, difconet, hdbma, mlma, mma, swamp.

Suggested by BayesMultMeta, CTD, FRESA.CAD, HistData, IPV, MAnorm2, MKmisc, MoBPS, OmicsPLS, clusternomics, condvis, dartR, dartR.base, dartR.captive, dartR.popgen, dartR.spatial, dendextend, dendsort, enveomics.R, gmodels, gtools, heatmaply, heplots, httk, metamicrobiomeR, r4ss, rattle, scPloidy, sensitivity, sim1000G, varrank.

Enhanced by caroline.

See at CRAN