All packages

· A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H · I · J · K · L · M · N · O · P · Q · R · S · T · U · V · W · X · Y · Z ·

AzureStor — 3.7.0

Storage Management in 'Azure'

AzureTableStor — 1.0.0

Interface to the Table Storage Service in 'Azure'

AzureVision — 1.0.2

Interface to Azure Computer Vision Services

AzureVM — 2.2.2

Virtual Machines in 'Azure'

AzureVMmetadata — 1.0.1

Interface to Azure Virtual Machine Instance Metadata

b64 — 0.1.2

Fast and Vectorized Base 64 Engine

babel — 0.3-0

Ribosome Profiling Data Analysis

babelgene — 22.9

Gene Orthologs for Model Organisms in a Tidy Data Format

babelmixr2 — 0.1.2

Use 'nlmixr2' to Interact with Open Source and Commercial Software

babelwhale — 1.2.0

Talking to 'Docker' and 'Singularity' Containers

babette — 2.3.4

Control 'BEAST2'

babynames — 1.0.1

US Baby Names 1880-2017

babynamesIL — 0.0.2

Israel Baby Names 1948-2022

BACCO — 2.1-0

Bayesian Analysis of Computer Code Output (BACCO)

BACCT — 1.0

Bayesian Augmented Control for Clinical Trials

bacistool — 1.0.0

Bayesian Classification and Information Sharing (BaCIS) Tool for the Design of Multi-Group Phase II Clinical Trials

backbone — 2.1.4

Extracts the Backbone from Graphs

backpipe — 0.2.3

Backward Pipe (Right-to-Left) Operator

backports — 1.5.0

Reimplementations of Functions Introduced Since R-3.0.0

backShift —

Learning Causal Cyclic Graphs from Unknown Shift Interventions

backtest — 0.3-4

Exploring Portfolio-Based Conjectures About Financial Instruments

bacondecomp — 0.1.1

Goodman-Bacon Decomposition

BACprior — 2.1.1

Choice of Omega in the BAC Algorithm

bacr — 1.0.1

Bayesian Adjustment for Confounding

badgen — 1.0.0

Fast and Simple Badge Generator

badger — 0.2.4

Badge for R Package

baf — 0.0.1

Block Assignment Files

baffle — 0.2.2

Make Waffle Plots with Base Graphics

bage — 0.7.4

Bayesian Estimation and Forecasting of Age-Specific Rates

bagged.outliertrees — 1.0.0

Robust Explainable Outlier Detection Based on OutlierTree

baggingbwsel — 1.1

Bagging Bandwidth Selection in Kernel Density and Regression Estimation

baggr — 0.7.8

Bayesian Aggregate Treatment Effects

BAGofT — 1.0.0

A Binary Regression Adaptive Goodness-of-Fit Test (BAGofT)

baguette — 1.0.2

Efficient Model Functions for Bagging

bagyo — 0.1.1

Philippine Tropical Cyclones Data

bahc — 0.3.0

Filter Covariance and Correlation Matrices with Bootstrapped-Averaged Hierarchical Ansatz

bain — 0.2.11

Bayes Factors for Informative Hypotheses

baizer — 0.8.0

Useful Functions for Data Processing

bakeoff — 0.2.0

Data from "The Great British Bake Off"

baker — 1.0.3

"Nested Partially Latent Class Models"

bakR — 1.0.1

Analyze and Compare Nucleotide Recoding RNA Sequencing Datasets

BalanceCheck — 0.2

Balance Check for Multiple Covariates in Matched Observational Studies

BalancedSampling — 2.0.6

Balanced and Spatially Balanced Sampling

baldur — 0.0.3

Bayesian Hierarchical Modeling for Label-Free Proteomics

Ball — 1.3.13

Statistical Inference and Sure Independence Screening via Ball Statistics

BALLI — 0.2.0

Expression RNA-Seq Data Analysis Based on Linear Mixed Model

BallMapper — 0.2.0

The Ball Mapper Algorithm

BaM — 1.0.3

Functions and Datasets for "Bayesian Methods: A Social and Behavioral Sciences Approach"

bama — 1.3.0

High Dimensional Bayesian Mediation Analysis

BAMBI — 2.3.5

Bivariate Angular Mixture Models

bambooHR — 0.1.1

A Wrapper to the 'BambooHR' API

bamdit — 3.4.1

Bayesian Meta-Analysis of Diagnostic Test Data

bamlss — 1.2-4

Bayesian Additive Models for Location, Scale, and Shape (and Beyond)

bamm — 0.5.0

Species Distribution Models as a Function of Biotic, Abiotic and Movement Factors (BAM)

BAMMtools — 2.1.12

Analysis and Visualization of Macroevolutionary Dynamics on Phylogenetic Trees

bamp — 2.1.3

Bayesian Age-Period-Cohort Modeling and Prediction

BANAM — 0.2.1

Bayesian Analysis of the Network Autocorrelation Model

bandicoot — 1.0.0

Light-Weight 'python'-Like Object-Oriented System

bandit — 0.5.1

Functions for Simple a/B Split Test and Multi-Armed Bandit Analysis

banditpam — 1.0-1

Almost Linear-Time k-Medoids Clustering

bandsfdp — 1.1.0

Compute Upper Prediction Bounds on the FDP in Competition-Based Setups

banffIT — 1.0.0

Automatize Diagnosis Standardized Assignation Using the Banff Classification

bang — 1.0.4

Bayesian Analysis, No Gibbs

bangladesh — 1.0.0

Provides Ready to Use Shapefiles for Geographical Map of Bangladesh

bannerCommenter — 1.0.0

Make Banner Comments with a Consistent Format

BANOVA — 1.2.1

Hierarchical Bayesian ANOVA Models

banter — 0.9.6

BioAcoustic eveNT classifiER

banxicoR — 0.9.0

Download Data from the Bank of Mexico

baorista — 0.2.1

Bayesian Aoristic Analyses

bapred — 1.1

Batch Effect Removal and Addon Normalization (in Phenotype Prediction using Gene Data)

BAR — 0.1.1

Bayesian Adaptive Randomization

BarBorGradient — 1.0.5

Function Minimum Approximator

barcode — 1.3.0

Render Barcode Distribution Plots

baRcodeR — 0.1.7

Label Creation for Tracking and Collecting Data from Biological Samples

BarcodingR — 1.0-3

Species Identification using DNA Barcodes

bardr — 0.0.9

Complete Works of William Shakespeare in Tidy Format

bark — 1.0.4

Bayesian Additive Regression Kernels

Barnard — 1.8

Barnard's Unconditional Test

barrks — 1.0.0

Calculate Bark Beetle Phenology Using Different Models

BART — 2.9.9

Bayesian Additive Regression Trees

bartCause — 1.0-9

Causal Inference using Bayesian Additive Regression Trees

bartcs — 1.2.2

Bayesian Additive Regression Trees for Confounder Selection

bartMachine —

Bayesian Additive Regression Trees

bartMachineJARs — 1.2.1

bartMachine JARs

bartMan — 0.1.1

Create Visualisations for BART Models

baRulho — 2.1.2

Quantifying (Animal) Sound Degradation

BAS — 1.7.3

Bayesian Variable Selection and Model Averaging using Bayesian Adaptive Sampling

basad — 0.3.0

Bayesian Variable Selection with Shrinking and Diffusing Priors

base.rms — 1.0

Convert Regression Between Base Function and 'rms' Package

base64 — 2.0.1

Base64 Encoder and Decoder

base64enc — 0.1-3

Tools for base64 encoding

base64url — 1.4

Fast and URL-Safe Base64 Encoder and Decoder

baseballr — 1.6.0

Acquiring and Analyzing Baseball Data

basecamb — 1.1.5

Utilities for Streamlined Data Import, Imputation and Modelling

basedosdados — 0.2.2

'Base Dos Dados' R Client

basefun — 1.1-4

Infrastructure for Computing with Basis Functions

baseline — 1.3-5

Baseline Correction of Spectra

basemaps — 0.0.7

Accessing Spatial Basemaps in R

basemodels — 1.1.0

Baseline Models for Classification and Regression

baseq — 0.1.4

Basic Sequence Processing Tool for Biological Data

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