Packages by Christopher T. Kenny

apportion — 0.0.1

Apportion Seats

baf — 0.0.1

Block Assignment Files

bskyr — 0.1.2

Interact with 'Bluesky' Social

censable — 0.0.5

Making Census Data More Usable

congress — 0.0.3

Access the API

crayons — 0.0.3

Color Palettes from Crayon Boxes

cvap — 0.1.5

Citizen Voting Age Population

divseg — 0.0.5

Calculate Diversity and Segregation Indices

dots — 0.0.2

Dot Density Maps

feltr — 0.0.4

Access the Felt API

geomander — 2.3.0

Geographic Tools for Studying Gerrymandering

ggredist — 0.0.2

Scales, Geometries, and Extensions of 'ggplot2' for Election Mapping

gptzeror — 0.0.1

Identify Text Written by Large Language Models using 'GPTZero'

jot — 0.0.4

Jot Down Values for Later

name — 0.0.1

Tools for Working with Names

palette — 0.0.2

Color Scheme Helpers

planscorer — 0.0.1

Score Redistricting Plans with 'PlanScore'

ppmf — 0.1.3

Read Census Privacy Protected Microdata Files

redist — 4.2.0

Simulation Methods for Legislative Redistricting

redistmetrics — 1.0.7

Redistricting Metrics

redistverse — 0.1.0

Easily Install and Load Redistricting Software

tinytiger — 0.0.9

Lightweight Interface to TIGER/Line Shapefiles