Reference manual

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2.9.9 by Rodney Sparapani, a month ago

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Authors: Robert McCulloch [aut] , Rodney Sparapani [aut, cre] , Robert Gramacy [ctb] , Matthew Pratola [ctb] , Charles Spanbauer [ctb] , Martyn Plummer [ctb] , Nicky Best [ctb] , Kate Cowles [ctb] , Karen Vines [ctb]

Documentation:   PDF Manual  

GPL (>= 2) license

Imports Rcpp, parallel, tools

Depends on nlme, survival

Suggests MASS, knitr, rmarkdown

Linking to Rcpp

Imported by CIMTx, RCTrep, SAMTx, bartMan, borrowr, paths, riAFTBART.

Depended on by cjbart.

Suggested by CRE, MachineShop, StratifiedMedicine, bark, condvis2, familiar, tidytreatment.

See at CRAN