All packages

· A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H · I · J · K · L · M · N · O · P · Q · R · S · T · U · V · W · X · Y · Z ·

ifs — 0.1.10

Iterated Function Systems

ig.vancouver.2014.topcolour —

Instagram 2014 Vancouver Top Colour Dataset

IgAScores — 0.1.2

Score Taxon-Level IgA Binding in IgA-Seq Experiments

iGasso — 1.6.1

Statistical Tests and Utilities for Genetic Association

igate — 0.3.3

Guided Analytics for Testing Manufacturing Parameters

IGCities — 0.2.0

Simulate Impact of Different Urban Policies Through a General Equilibrium Model

igcop — 1.0.2

Computational Tools for the IG and IGL Copula Families

iglu — 4.1.6

Interpreting Glucose Data from Continuous Glucose Monitors

igoR — 0.2.0

Intergovernmental Organizations Database

IgorR — 0.9.0

Read Binary Files Saved by 'Igor Pro' (Including 'Neuromatic' Data)

IGoRRR — 0.3.4

A Shiny Interface for Simple Data Management

igr — 0.2.0

Irish Grid Reference Utilities

igraph — 2.0.3

Network Analysis and Visualization

igraphdata — 1.0.1

A Collection of Network Data Sets for the 'igraph' Package

igraphinshiny — 0.1

Use 'shiny' to Demo 'igraph'

iGraphMatch — 2.0.5

Tools for Graph Matching

igraphtosonia — 1.0

Convert iGraph graps to SoNIA .son files

igraphwalshdata — 0.1.0

'igraph' Datasets from Melanie Walsh

igrf — 1.0

International Geomagnetic Reference Field

iGSEA — 1.2

Integrative Gene Set Enrichment Analysis Approaches

IGST — 0.1.0

Informative Gene Selection Tool

ihclust — 0.1.0

Iterative Hierarchical Clustering (IHC)

iheatmapr — 0.7.1

Interactive, Complex Heatmaps

iheiddown — 0.9.7

For Writing Geneva Graduate Institute Documents

ihpdr — 1.2.1

Download Data from the International House Price Database

IHSEP — 0.3.1

Inhomogeneous Self-Exciting Process

iimi — 1.1.1

Identifying Infection with Machine Intelligence

iIneq — 1.0.2

Computing Individual Components of the Gini and the Theil Indices

IIProductionUnknown — 0.0.3

Analyzing Data Through of Percentage of Importance Indice (Production Unknown) and Its Derivations

IIVpredictor — 0.1.0

Modeling Within Individual Variability as Predictor

ijtiff — 2.3.4

Comprehensive TIFF I/O with Full Support for 'ImageJ' TIFF Files

ilabelled — 1.0.0

Simple Handling of Labelled Data

ILS — 0.3

Interlaboratory Study

ILSE — 1.1.7

Linear Regression Based on 'ILSE' for Missing Data


Analyze Interconnection Structure of Multilayer Interaction Networks

imabc — 1.0.0

Incremental Mixture Approximate Bayesian Computation (IMABC)

image.binarization — 0.1.3

Binarize Images for Enhancing Optical Character Recognition

image.CannyEdges — 0.1.1

Implementation of the Canny Edge Detector for Images

image.ContourDetector — 0.1.1

Implementation of the Unsupervised Smooth Contour Line Detection for Images

image.CornerDetectionF9 — 0.1.0

Find Corners in Digital Images with FAST-9

image.CornerDetectionHarris — 0.1.2

Implementation of the Harris Corner Detection for Images

image.dlib — 0.1.1

Image Processing Functionality using the 'dlib' Package

image.libfacedetection — 0.1

Convolutional Neural Network for Face Detection

image.LineSegmentDetector — 0.1.0

Detect Line Segments in Images

image.Otsu — 0.1

Otsu's Image Segmentation Method

image.textlinedetector — 0.2.3

Segment Images in Text Lines and Words

image2data — 1.0.1

Turn Images into Data Sets

imageData — 0.1-62

Aids in Processing and Plotting Data from a Lemna-Tec Scananalyzer

imagefluency — 0.2.5

Image Statistics Based on Processing Fluency

imagefx — 0.4.1

Extract Features from Images

imager — 1.0.2

Image Processing Library Based on 'CImg'

imagerExtra — 1.3.2

Extra Image Processing Library Based on 'imager'

imageseg — 0.5.0

Deep Learning Models for Image Segmentation

imageviewer — 0.1.0

Simple 'htmlwidgets' Image Viewer with WebGL Brightness/Contrast

imaginator — 1.0.0

Simulate General Insurance Policies and Losses

imagine — 2.1.0

IMAGing engINEs, Tools for Application of Image Filters to Data Matrices

IMak — 2.1.0

Item Maker

imanr — 1.0.2

Identify the Racial Complex of Native Corns from Mexico

imbalance —

Preprocessing Algorithms for Imbalanced Datasets

imbalanceDatRel — 0.1.5

Relocated Data Oversampling for Imbalanced Data Classification

imbibe — 0.1.1

A Pipe-Friendly Image Calculator

imcExperiment — 0.99.0

Mass Cytometry S4 Class Structure Pipeline for Images

ImCluster — 0.1.0

Efficiency of Cluster Sampling for Crop Surveys

IMD — 1.2.2

Index of Multiple Deprivation Data for the UK

imdbapi — 0.1.0

Get Movie, Television Data from the 'imdb' Database

IMEC — 0.2.0

Ising Model of Explanatory Coherence

iMediate — 0.5.5

Likelihood Methods for Mediation Analysis — 0.1.7

An Interface to IMF (International Monetary Fund) Data JSON API

ImFoR — 0.1.0

Non-Linear Height Diameter Models for Forestry

imgpalr — 0.4.0

Create Color Palettes from Images

imgrec — 0.1.4

An Interface for Image Recognition

imguR — 1.0.3

An API Client Package

ImHD — 0.1.0

Artificial Intelligence Based Machine Learning Algorithms for Height Diameter Relationships of Conifer Trees

IMIFA — 2.2.0

Infinite Mixtures of Infinite Factor Analysers and Related Models

IMIX — 1.1.5

Gaussian Mixture Model for Multi-Omics Data Integration

iml — 0.11.3

Interpretable Machine Learning

IMmailgun — 0.1.2

Send Emails using 'Mailgun'

immcp — 1.0.3

Poly-Pharmacology Toolkit for Traditional Chinese Medicine Research

immer — 1.5-13

Item Response Models for Multiple Ratings

Immigrate — 0.2.1

Iterative Max-Min Entropy Margin-Maximization with Interaction Terms for Feature Selection

ImML — 0.1.5

Machine Learning Algorithms Fitting and Validation for Forestry

immunarch — 0.9.1

Bioinformatics Analysis of T-Cell and B-Cell Immune Repertoires

immuneSIM — 0.8.7

Tunable Simulation of B- And T-Cell Receptor Repertoires

Imneuron — 0.1.0

AI Powered Neural Network Solutions for Regression Tasks

ImNN — 0.1.0

Neural Networks for Predicting Volume of Forest Trees

imola — 0.5.0

CSS Layouts (Grid and Flexbox) Implementation for R/Shiny

IMP — 1.1

Interactive Model Performance Evaluation

imp4p — 1.2

Imputation for Proteomics

IMPACT — 0.1.1

The Impact of Items

ImpactEffectsize — 0.7

Calculation and Visualization of the Impact Effect Size Measure

impactflu — 0.1.0

Quantification of Population-Level Impact of Vaccination

impactr — 0.4.2

Mechanical Loading Prediction Through Accelerometer Data

impimp — 0.3.1

Imprecise Imputation for Statistical Matching

implicitExpansion — 0.1.0

Array Operations for Arrays of Mismatching Sizes

implicitMeasures — 0.2.1

Compute Scores for Different Implicit Measures

implied — 0.5

Convert Between Bookmaker Odds and Probabilities

implyr — 0.5.0

R Interface for Apache Impala

import — 1.3.2

An Import Mechanism for R

ImportanceIndice — 0.0.2

Analyzing Data Through of Percentage of Importance Indice and Its Derivations

importar — 0.1.1

Enables Importing/Loading of Packages or Functions While Creating an Alias for Them

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