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0.2.3 by Jan Wijffels, a year ago
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Authors: Jan Wijffels [aut, cre, cph] (R wrapper) , Vrije Universiteit Brussel - DIGI: Brussels Platform for Digital Humanities [cph] (R wrapper) , Jeroen Ooms [ctb, cph] (More details in LICENSE.note file) , Arthur Flôr [ctb, cph] (More details in LICENSE.note file) , Saverio Meucci [ctb, cph] (More details in LICENSE.note file) , Yeara Kozlov [ctb, cph] (More details in LICENSE.note file) , Tino Weinkauf [ctb, cph] (More details in LICENSE.note file) , Harald Scheidl [ctb, cph] (More details in LICENSE.note file)
Documentation: PDF Manual
MIT + file LICENSE license
Imports Rcpp, magick
Suggests opencv
Linking to Rcpp
System requirements: C++17 or C++11 and OpenCV 3 or newer: libopencv-dev (Debian, Ubuntu) or opencv-devel (Fedora)
See at CRAN