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1.0.2 by Aaron Robotham, 10 months ago,
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Authors: Simon Barthelme [aut] , David Tschumperle [ctb] , Jan Wijffels [ctb] , Haz Edine Assemlal [ctb] , Shota Ochi [ctb] , Aaron Robotham [cre] , Rodrigo Tobar [ctb]
Documentation: PDF Manual
LGPL-3 license
Imports Rcpp, methods, stringr, png, jpeg, readbitmap, grDevices, purrr, downloader, igraph
Depends on magrittr
Suggests knitr, rmarkdown, ggplot2, dplyr, scales, testthat, raster, spatstat.geom, magick, Cairo
Linking to Rcpp
System requirements: fftw3, libtiff, X11
Imported by AcuityView, FWRGB, ForestTools, Irescale, MtreeRing, RPPASPACE, SPUTNIK, TooManyCellsR, boundingbox, cmcR, colocr, dsmSearch, fmriqa, fractD, ggbrain, lidaRtRee, mand, materialmodifier, patternize, recolorize, screenshot, sketcher, smpic, vmeasur, wal, x3ptools, xRing.
Depended on by BoneProfileR, GoodFibes, biopixR, imagerExtra.
Suggested by CoOL, dynaSpec, magicaxis, parttree, pavo, pda, rcaiman, rwavelet, specklestar.
See at CRAN