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2.0.8 by Brian G. Peterson, 3 months ago
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Authors: Brian G. Peterson [cre, aut, cph] , Peter Carl [aut, cph] , Kris Boudt [ctb, cph] , Ross Bennett [ctb] , Joshua Ulrich [ctb] , Eric Zivot [ctb] , Dries Cornilly [ctb] , Eric Hung [ctb] , Matthieu Lestel [ctb] , Kyle Balkissoon [ctb] , Diethelm Wuertz [ctb] , Anthony Alexander Christidis [ctb] , R. Douglas Martin [ctb] , Zeheng Zenith Zhou [ctb] , Justin M. Shea [ctb] , Dhairya Jain [ctb]
Documentation: PDF Manual
GPL-2 | GPL-3 license
Imports methods, quadprog, zoo
Depends on xts
Suggests dygraphs, Hmisc, MASS, quantmod, gamlss, gamlss.dist, robustbase, quantreg, tinytest, ggplot2, RColorBrewer, googleVis, plotly, gridExtra, ggpubr, nloptr, rgenoud, RPESE, RobStatTM, fit.models, R.rsp
Imported by ConnectednessApproach, HeckmanEM, PCRA, RMOPI, RTL, SMNCensReg, Semblance, SlidingWindows, Trading, facmodCS, facmodTS, highOrderPortfolios, pedquant, portfolioBacktest, rmsfuns, scRNAtools, tidyquant.
Depended on by PortfolioAnalytics.
Suggested by Dowd, EPLSIM, ExtDist, RPEGLMEN, RPEIF, RPESE, cvar, geosimilarity, pbo, portsort, quantdr, tbl2xts, timeSeries.
See at CRAN